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    No, I think that started when countries opened up the floodgates to immigrants who had absolutely zero intention of assimilating into the country's culture in order to prop of their failing socialist systems as a result of their population pyramids having too narrow of a structure.

    You know who else made false historical analogies? Sorry, couldn't resist.

    Wow, wealth envy much?

    Here's hoping your future will allow you to carry out my example many times over and that the road there will be even greater than the reward.

    So how bad off was he? What does that have to do with anything? If you have a $1 billion and I steal $990 million from you, you have no right to be mad because, dude, you got like $10 million. Huh?

    I was in OKC, three blocks from the Murrah Building at the time, I had also been in the Murrah Building a month earlier and the neighboring federal courthouse in a room that was destroyed just a week earlier. So, I'll recuse myself from arguing this topic as likely biased.

    It might also be a testament to how slowly the frog is being boiled and/or I think when we get older we get more apathetic and tend to take things better than in our fiery youth. At some point, you're just satisfied with having a good poop.

    Because they were not doing it because they believed the Bible commanded them and they were not shouting God is Great while doing it. They cited saving the country and the Constitution as their reasons.

    Oh dear golly, I'm not talking about ever doing anything when you still have "decades of Giz" to read. I'm talking about being 87, having seen all your kids through college, getting married and having bounced a half dozen grandkids on your knee and then being diagnosed with liver cancer and having a month to live.

    I welcome their response...it will give me a target...I mean "contact" to whom I can address my concerns.

    I'm actually surprised by the lack of people going out with a bang so to speak. A few years ago there was a guy who, after being totally f-ed by B.S. a tax code provision, flew his small plane into an IRS building. But, other than that, I can't remember another person who semi-rationally (so this excludes Timothy

    Maybe you missed the memo that everyone is supposed to find work they love so they won't have to work a day in their life!!! Excuse me, an SI supermodel needs sand brushed off her ass.

    When you open up something to peak inside, you always see gears (at least in a steampunk world). If you want to adjust something, you adjust the gears.

    Weird, though, he never released the book he was "researching."

    Perhaps he's just upset that there's not a good kiddie porn app. Sorry Pete, love The Who, but I don't really care about anything you have to say...just a little rule of mine. [en.wikipedia.org]

    What happens when this collides with the I-don't-have-to-show-my-receipt-when-leaving-a-store douche???

    Self-inflicted: invite him in, give him a little morphine, remove all the gauze and tape, put him in a nice warm bath...let him bleed out.

    There is "a loophole of sorts in California...laws"...you're allowed to park in a handicapped spot for 60 seconds in California, so he just had a minion "switch out" is parking spot every minute..."It's a hilariously logical rich man way of thinking to side step the law."

    Because he was special...he could invent the ipod/iphone/ipad and cure cancer with healthy eating...he wasn't confined to the same world you and I are in many ways...some good...some not so much.