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    Genius! I see it as clearly mocking the occupy crowd but in such a manner as to leave himself an out, kind of a "I see what you did there" type of thing. Genius, like the man himself.

    We all trade off safety for convenience...otherwise, lets just have a 15 mph accident an no one in a car will ever die in an accident. Think of the children won't you?

    Thanks for correcting me, because that is exactly what I said! /sarcasm

    "so why not avoid the subscription fee and upgrade costs by just sticking to the speed limit?"

    Best review so far is by Chris Rawson over at TUAW. Interestingly, Rawson, "spent most of [his] Master's thesis examining the concept of truth in biographical works," so I think he gives some unique insight.

    Aaak! Utah...they've never even cleared all the bodies from the trail to civilized California. Stay away America!

    Bike ride in the cornfields this morning followed by shooting a lot of scary looking firearms in the afternoon...but I'll join you for the BBQ in the evening.

    Make more sense than being diagnosed with very treatable but highly spreadable cancer and not getting surgery for 9 months while you eat herbs and meditate.

    Who put this up...lies, lies...all lies. Nothing like this exists in fly-over country. It's all Hollywood CGI and studio stuff. City dwellers just stay in your fine cities and enjoy your gruesome side of the subway ([jalopnik.com]) No reason to leave your cities. We actually don't have any way to entertain ourselves

    Ever in Tulsa, I'll buy the beer.

    "China is only a concern with regard to future POTENTIAL pollution levels"...huh?

    Get China on board (and other non-Western nations) and I'll join you...otherwise toss a half dozen plans to cripple Western economies in a barrel along with a half dozen plans to solve global warming, mix them up, and you can't tell which is which.

    Oh, no, no, no. Algore says the skeptics are immoral and racist. So, there you go.

    Shhh...correlation equal causation. Here, by this carbon credit.

    As long as the proposed solutions ignore the single largest contributor of greenhouse gasses and which is building two coal fired power plants a week...then count me in!

    "...the point that his decision was stupid is tacky, inconsiderate and presumptuous"...I'm OK with those subjective criticisms of me...as long as we agree "his decision was stupid."

    I agree that what you say can apply to a myriad of subjective decisions. But, this was objective science. Cloaking his decision in "religious beliefs" does not protect it from criticism any more than if he did it because the alignment of the stars told him or because it was what his 1-800 psychic told him. It was

    Am I the only one that kept a little piece of folded paper over my webcam when I had it plugged in? (Don't use it now since Facetime.)

    No, he had a moral objection to having the surgery timely.

    Take this blue pill, it will save your life. I only take red pills. I die. I'm not ignorant, I'm living and dying on my own terms! We will have to agree to disagree on this one. I find nothing positive in traveling the world eating special diets and meditating when you have a cancer which is both the most spreadable