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    That makes no sense. Someone's too humble to get medical treatment. The two have nothing to do with each other. And, I guess he wasn't so humble 9 months later? Whether he was humble or not in some way has nothing to do with his delay in seeking medical treatment.

    There are those on the far religious right who are ignorant and there are those on the far religious left who are equally ignorant.

    Perhaps this is the thread to discuss some of the human failings of this great man. Here we see that his own ignorance killed him.

    That's just the crap I don't want to get into. And, I don't want to over-exaggerate his accomplishments or his failings...but there are some things that are just so objectively...

    True. I've had some great chats with friends on the subject I just wish I could expand to online so as to broaden the scope of interaction. Oh, well.

    I want to be respectful...but, really, never?! Is there a place on the interweb where the adults hang out?

    Yeah, kinda why I haven't raised the issue(s).

    Then we need a lets-talk-honestly-and-objectively-about-Steve thread 6 months or a year from now...you know, hypothetically, if I was talking about him.

    *Sigh* I figured. I just think there are some "issues" that should be discussed.

    Just a theoretical questions with absolutely no applicability to Mr. Jobs, but hypothetically if one wanted to criticize a famous well-admired and successful recently deceased individual, how long should one wait and in what forum could one bring forth those criticisms for their merits to be rationally discussed

    "but sometimes other things are considered besides just money"...I keep reading these words but I just can't make any sense of them. Business is business. We'll just have to agree to disagree.

    You are correct and I agree, there are valuations that place it between $5 and $8 billion. (I think they are WAY overvalued, but what do I know.) So, your criticism that $800 million for 100% of the company is totally legit. However, your comment that "especially for something that the buyer thinks is "just a feature,

    That's kinda the point of triathlons...hot gear and hot members of the opposite sex. It's the sport of tech/sex convergence. But, yeah, they should have made it waterproof.

    I loved Pointcast! $450 million to $100 million in a year and then to $7 million in another year. DB should have taken the $800 million.

    Really, I'm pretty sure you can download public links without creating an account.

    We are in agreement so far.

    "Tax the corporations all you want" Corporations don't exist. You could eliminate all individual taxation and raise the taxes on corporations and the exact same amount of money would flow into the Treasury...all coming from your and my pockets. ALL of corporations income, profits and taxes come from you and me. Raise

    It's a fair cop.

    There was a time when this image just might get you burned at a stake. Only Satan could make those two squares the same color. Witch...Witch...WITCH!!!

    Wise Pocket Cloud Pro links to Popular Mechanics Magazine.