
Huh? No one is denied suffrage in starship troopers. Not all service is military, so even if you weren't very physically able you could still gain citizenship. No citizenship without service is actually more classic liberalism ala Thomas Jefferson then fascist. It's all about encouring participation in Soviet but only

Welcome to modern day games journalism where the writers do not understand business speak but will jump to conclusions anyway.

I think this is misreading what they mean. Typically their console life cycles are 7 years. In April, the console will have been out for 3 and 1/2 years. That means it will officially be in the latter half, AKA the “latter stage” of its life cycle. Pretty straightforward. Nothing meaningful to see here.

Seems to check out.  This should roughly be the halfway point for the generation, if not the back half.  I’m also excited.  The back half of a PS life cycle has some of the best games of a generation.

Oh, god, Breath of Fire. ...Yes, I’d want that back.

Okami, Breath of Fire and Dino Crisis would be splendid.

VR shit talkers will never stop being utter assholes about it. I'm fine with reasonable doubt and criticism but there's a kind of person who seems to revel in it and in trolling anyone who even remotely says something supportive. Fuck em. I love my PSVR2. 

Oh cool! Are we being anecdotal? Cuz I own and use the shit out of my PSVR2. Therefore you're wrong. That's how this works, right?

Looking at the state of social media for anyone under the age of 35 for the past decade, the answer to your question in a word is yes.

Perfect game for a Switch port, but I have such fond memories of Secret of Mana that I’d probably buy a PlayStation Portal just to play this curled up in bed, as the gods intended. 

dude just shut the fuck up and change the title jesus christ stop excusing your clickbait bull shit and bickering in the comments. i would imagine at some point you wanted to be a journalist why don’t you act like a professional

But you didn’t even “discover” anything. You watched a Tiktok and made a whole ass article about just doing what the Tiktok (and a zillion people before the Tiktok) already did. 

smh dude feel like genius for using an em dash while saying the most goofus-ass thing you’ll read today

No, genuinely, I wrote what happened. You know what—at no point from discovery to publication did the thought of how many people would click on it cross my mind, because it makes no difference to me at all.”

Dude, you are terrible at your job.

How the f do you have a job? 

Worst journalist on kotaku 

Tldr: author doubles down on intentional clickbait BS.

did ya try this thing google before clickbait title? and then mocking your readers?..

Article Title: 23 Years Later, We’ve Discovered An Amazing GameCube Easter Egg

You see how this title is structed, right? Creates assumption that something BRAND NEW has been found, right? You mock yourself, but yet you also knew many people would click based on that title and waste their time.

You had to have known