
Black people can be Republicans, too.

Oh come on. I am not a call of duty fan but nowhere does it say shoot the arab cause he is an arab. There are plenty of civilians you aren’t supposed to kill in those games. You are just trying to get a rise like using a bad clickbait headline.

i mean....Far Cry 5 was exactly that.

There are MANY issues with the article already outlined by other members so I won’t bother. But the “Israeli soldier cosplaying a CoD character” link is such a huge reach that I’m not surprised the image itself wasn’t included in the article. It’s a guy wearing a skull face balaclava. Probably the most common print on

Well-meaning but super privileged, juvenile stuff. 

If you think no recent conflict comes close, then you do not pay attention to what is going on in the world. Myanmar, South Sudan, are magnitudes larger in civilian deathtolls, and very much recent. And those are just off the top of the head.

you might wanna check you facts. Israel has specifically said they will eliminate Hamas. I have never read or heard of any reference where an Israeli official said they wanted to kill Palestinians specifically just to kill Palestinians.

Shhh! That doesn’t fit the author’s narrative/personal bias.

I know Alyssa is a hack, but to describe Hamas as merely a ‘militant’ organization is either ignorance of its status as the democratically-elected ruling political party in Gaza *or* a purposeful spin to somehow separate Gazans from the actions of *their* government.

I don’t get why people are mad. Over making a silly joke and selling expensive rebranded stuff? Big deal. That’s what people do. Heck I can’t even afford a sub at Subway, let alone some expensive cookies. You know what I do about it? Nothing. If you can’t afford it, move on. Not a big deal.

The entire subculture of streaming is hot garbage.

There are times when being 40+ years old certainly pays off, and this is one of them. I don’t care about Pokimane, her streams, how she makes her money, her “healthy” products or her half-assed apologies. I also don’t care about the people that were upset by her comments, the people that complain about the price of

I know she’s a woman so it’s impossible for her to do anything wrong, but the complete absence of Kotaku covering Sssniperwolf doxxing streamers she doesn’t like is suspect...

I have no comment regarding the duplicate nature or alleged re-branding of an existing product as I don’t know about that, irrespective of how suspiscious it seems.

I can’t help but feel this is the dumbest story I’ve read about all week.

Oh just stop. These people have talent. Idiotic self hate and hyperbole just ruin any arguments about representation.

OH the white guilt!

>I’m a white man who has benefited greatly from my privilege over the years (even if I haven’t always been aware of it) so I know my voice probably shouldn’t be the loudest on this issue, but my god even I’m sick of how many talentless white men have infested this industry I love.

Identity politics: the clamoring of affluent, upper-middle class types for greater access to board rooms, positions, privileges, etc., on the basis of gender, race, ethnicity, etc. That is what the author’s reference to “representation” means in this context.