
True, but having writers that seem to actively dislike the source material generally leads to failure.

I didn’t even like Rose, but apparently that makes me some sort of -ist. Pathetic really.

 No need to insult people who have tastebuds better than yours.

Who the fuck are undesirable, Forbes magazine?

It’s the possibility of sex that bothers me the most.

This whole article is in defense of Strange World failing (for various reasons, lets not be simplistic and only blame political agendas).

To be fair though most studios will use financial shenanigans to report a loss, even for movies that make some money.

Love and Thunder was dialed to 11, but I admit didn’t dislike Ragnarok as much.

Either you get his humor or you don’t. You don’t, so it’s pointless trying to explain.

Jesus fucking Christ.

Which, in this case, is the point.

It all depends. Like many things, rauchbiers depend on balance. Some American versions have leaned far too heavily on the smoke, making them difficult to drink. You need the malty backbone for balance.

It’s called fantasy, and if you liked black elves in the Rings of Power then FFXVI shouldn’t pose any problem.

But a lot less than you seem to think.

Why should they include others, so they can get some positive press from certain blogs that will always try to present race- related issues in the most negative way?

It was functionally all white, no amount of cherry picking or present is can change this.

Apparently the system has been designed to accommodate people wearing glasses.

With wig and makeup I don’t think there would be much difference in looks. Acting ability is another matter.

ROP most certainly did not get a positive reception from fans. HotD had many worried fans at first but that show proved itself.

Where the fuck did he simp for Musk. Way to go rushing in and defending the site. Idiot.