You again bet on the wrong horse 😂
You again bet on the wrong horse 😂
That is simply not true. There are multiple reasons for inflation.
I used to buy physical copies because I liked the manuals. Since they don’t really print them anymore I download everything. While my shelves aren’t filling up quite so quickly anymore I still miss the manuals.
My scariest monster was a vampire in Daggerfall. Every time it landed a hit the game would crash, meaning I would save the game after every hit.
You should look again.
Par for the course.
Lol, you’re trying way too hard to ingratiate yourself here.
Idiotic comment.
She’s not exactly convincing.
Say it with me, “Allegedly”.
So you are able to use the offer as a sign of bad faith despite not knowing the details.
That should tell you about the poor state of gaming “journalism”.
It’s also stupidly simplistic as it ignores any context.
And here’s why some companies don’t want to release any early info on a game in development.
“The worst people”, like everyone you might disagree with?
And that’s how you deal with this particular comment? Really? No wonder idiots like Trump are gaining so many supporters.
I’m enjoying seeing you all tie yourselves in knots. In current parlance an abortion is a medical procedure, rarely do regular people use proper medical terms.
I always preferred just having the one playable character.
You got called out for being an idiotic sycophant. Take the loss.
Where’s the gamers (and incels) are so entitled Angel?