The only proper ending, given STU’s grimdark approach, would be for the sleepers to awaken to find the Destiny drifting in intergalactic space, Eli’s skeletal remains draped in the bridge chair, and only a few hours of power/oxygen left...
The only proper ending, given STU’s grimdark approach, would be for the sleepers to awaken to find the Destiny drifting in intergalactic space, Eli’s skeletal remains draped in the bridge chair, and only a few hours of power/oxygen left...
Remember that the Sad Puppies loved to cite TOS as the Platonic ideal of the non-political adventure stories they championed. Idiots gonna idiot.
There should be a “Captain” in there somewhere.
Slight error with this article: Alien only had one sequel. All stories about further entries on the Xenomorph ‘verse perpetuate a really annoying Internet rumor. And anyone who tells you there were Alien V Predator movies is simply trolling you...
Kylo is revealed to be Rey’s father’s brother’s nephew’s cousin’s former roommate.
A Hellboy movie without Perlman and del Toro?
valar morghulis
Umm: who wrote the headline? There was already a Watchmen movie, which was already R rated. Might I suggest: An animated, R-rated Watchmen movie may be coming soon...
Tonyc suffers from a sadly common confusion: persistent Internet rumors to the contrary, there are 2—and only 2—movies in the Xenomorph universe: Ridley Scott’s original haunted-house-in-space film, and James Cameron’s war movie. In a rare case of art winning over commerce, no other “Alien” films were made. Anyone…
I was assuming that the Dominator turned off a hologram of the Prez—but would a hologram be visible to Kara’s X-ray vision?
One the one hand, fun trailer, looking forward to the movie.
Admirals, huh? Wonder if they’ll be the standard insane model produced by Star Fleet...
At last, 2016 gives us some news to celebrate...
I’m disgusted and repulsed and... and I can’t look away.
That, and if I remember correctly, someone accused Danny of actually being a boulevard while pretending to be a street...
I have only one thing to say:
Ended the article at just the right point; one or two more sentences would have resulted in io9 disappearing into a snark singularity.
Won’t eradicating all wild predators lead to a population explosion among the prey species, causing ecological damage?
Obviously that’s not from the casting call.... that’s the poor schmuck intern volunteered to model the costume for the producers.
Calling a Scot <em>British</em> is acceptable (at least until an independence referendum passes); calling him <em>English</em> will get you sent to the Casualty Ward—especially if he’s Glaswegian.