What is this “growing up” of which you speak?
What is this “growing up” of which you speak?
Fingers crossed, Ching Dai and Qin Shi Huang will intervene and keep the remake in the Hell of Blocked Development for all eternity...
... out of Cersei’s mind.
I could see Chuck Norris doing that... but a mere mortal like The Rock? Pshaw!
I’d like to think that the last thing that went through Messenger’s head, other than that planet, was to wonder how the hell Andy Dufresne ever got the best of it.
It’s called money, dear boy
Reminds me of an old story:
The Baker Street robbery (1971) didn't get even an honorable mention?
Ollie thinking he can refuse Ras... Laurel bonding with Nyssa... Thea hooking back up with Roy... So many people making bad choices in this episode.
Infinite Jest. Anyone who takes breaks while reading it is simply a wimp.
I'm surprised no-one lost their head (well, besides the Jabberwock...) given how sloppy Scooter was being with his Vorpal blade...
I'd expect that level of assholery from PETA—somehow expected better from Greenpeace.
Round up all creationists and relocate them to a reservation up in the Arctic Circle
So the SW titles so far....
"A cross between a hyena and a hamster."
No, they did not
Coming late to this & probably already been covered, but have to rant: In "Hitchhikers," the Earth was not created "[t]o find the answer to the question of Life, the Universe and Everything"—that was already known (the famous 42). The Earth was created to to figure out what the ultimate Question of Life, the Universe…
Flumph's are back? At last, my falling character's will have something soft to land on!
Not to mention Spike giving the viewer the British bird—first and index fingers raised, palm inwards—in the opening credits
<blockquote>Last but not least, Tywin himself tells Tyrion he's "no son of mine," although admittedly, that's immediately after Tyrion shoots him with a crossbow, so perhaps he was just being shitty.</blockquote>