
The response from WFP is basically, “How dare you question how this all went down when our leadership is [insert identity groups here]? Oh, and by the way, internet randos are getting all up in our mentions, so it looks like this answers any and all questions about the vote tallies!”

I read how they process their votes, “In the WFP’s ranked-choice voting system, the party’s national committee, which consists of 56 people, has equal weight with the party’s members and grassroots supporters, who number in the thousands.” (from the Salon article). 56 people =1000's in this voting system. Doesn’t seem

The attacks are gross, but it is damn suspicious that they changed their methods to ones that essentially give leadership total control of the endorsement and refuse to release the actual vote count. That doesn’t justify attacking them on racist grounds.

The fact that he went to MIT actually explains this perfectly. He’s a fuckin’ nerd who thinks social science degrees are a joke. 

SF resident here just chiming in to say: GOD BLESS RENT CONTROL

Never forget the first rule of pick-up: Never, ever underestimate the old guy.

Maybe that used to be the case. Nowadays corruption is all about funneling money to the top. Look at the Trump administration. Do you think many federal employees are getting raises from them right now?

If Hamilton bothers you that much you are free to join in some confirmation bias with the wine moms of the McResistance at MSNBC.

Me too, and I’ve seen it as well. There’s this weird version of groupthink that equates any sort of dissent with apostasy. Thus, if you disagree with any accepted wisdom or the Official Evangelical Political Beliefs, you’re one of the lost and only good for saving, not listening to. If your belief system is wrong,

“They have ways of twisting reality until they can justify basically anything”

I was raised by fundamentalists, and I’ve seen it all from the inside. It’s worse than outsiders know. They have ways of twisting reality until they can justify basically anything they want to do, and no one can argue with them- because GOD. As they say, you can’t reason someone out of something they didn’t reason

I see no difference between the kind of christian civilization these nut jobs want and sharia law.

I dealt with this exact same shit when I lived in Brooklyn, almost a decade ago. I’ll take your word for it that it’s even worse now. But your description definitely hits home.

People will refute you and they are simple people who do not understand what a billion means.

They let Tomi do the talking for them.

The New White Supremacy demands:

She just shitposted all over the Trump campaign and is getting ready to cuck Trump in November. Alt-right-delete.

I would wager that MOST of the people complaining about TPP have no idea what it is.

Ted Cruz is exactly the kind of person whose entire knowledge of basketball would have been gained from reading the rulebook.