PLAINTIFF'S ATTORNEY: So Mr. Marino, you would throw up continuously and be confused and depressed after every game during the '95 season?

As an outsider who knows nothing about basketball this whole thing is hilarious. I'm hoping that Rob Ford gets involved somehow.

He has dad intangibles that you can't measure!

I bet you Jeter's kids will give him a "World's Greatest Dad" mug every year, despite the overwhelming evidence that he's not even in the top 10 greatest dads.

I think you mean Tater Trot Tracker. Tater Tot Tracker is an app on Prince Fielder's smartphone.

He's right. If the public had gotten wind of this, there might have been a few rounds of debate. And, as we've learned, the Braves almost never make it past the first round.

You're right, it actually appears Slash has not washed anything in several years.

Think you might be jumping the gun on the "talent to back it up" part? Maybe he did in college, but since he's no longer in college and continues to be a colossal douche, he needs to "back it up" with the grown ups now. And since he just landed in arguably the biggest dumpster fire of an NFL franchise in existence,

Where's this outrage for Hard Knocks? Seems like a pretty big distraction, IMO.

I've seen things you people wouldn't believe. Wayne Fonts wearing pajamas on the 50-yard line. Barry taking 3 steps to the left, 4 to the right, and 5 back for every step forward. I've seen Scott Mitchell throw ducks under heavy pressure. All these memories will be lost in time, like tears in the rain. And good

Oh. That's because the wrestlers work out the match action between themselves. There will be certain cues during the match where they may do a signature move/sequence, someone runs in & interferes, or the ending of the match. Once they have those established, they'll let the announcers know, but that can really be

I don't think it's helpful to the situation to distract from his message by pointing out what you perceive to be flaws in his delivery. This happens every. single. time. someone who has every reason to be angry expresses that anger. Someone who ultimately agrees with them puts aside that agreement to scold them for

Hey Harold - the reason Michael Phelps doesn't run 5 steps at the beginning of his race is because there's fucking water there and he is not literally Jesus Christ.

Normally, I'm a guy who's all for full-value preauthorizations. For example, if doing an advanced return of a damaged item...it makes sense to do a preauthorization or hold on the funds so that the person can't take the new item, never return the old one, and never be tracked down.

it's nice that some of the Eagles know what ties are now.

the minus is due to the fact that the paper was supposed to be about the Outkast song.

This is fantastic, but its very existence proves that the NUMBER ONE OVERALL SEED is Deadspin writers.

And this is why I'll never play this game. Epic level asshattery, encouraged by the devs.

I believe so. You know those nights you're at the bar, spitting your game to a lady, just about to seal the deal. But then, all of a sudden, one of those really douchey guys with a popped collar comes in and swoops her right from under you. But, turns out that the bro has trouble with the ole whisky dick when they

Can I just put in a vote for "Hungadunga, Hungadunga, Hungadunga & McCormick"? As an alternative, Boyd, Dewey, Cheatham and Howe has always been a personal favorite.