This might be the only time I will ever agree with Wendy Williams.
This might be the only time I will ever agree with Wendy Williams.
1: The entire trend of increasingly outrageous "prom-posals" is dumb as fuck. Aside from the obvious, it's really awful to put someone in a position where they feel like they can't say no.
Something tells me the conversation and reaction to all of this would be preeeetty different if the anti-vaxxers currently spreading horrible diseases around the country were poor and brown instead of rich and white. Instead of "personal belief exemptions" we'd have kids getting ripped from their parents by CPS,…
No "I'm sorry I fucked you before we were ready for children"? Or "I'm sorry I fucked you without a condom and enough spermicide to choke an elephant"?
I strongly believe that RuPaul should be hosting Fashion Police.
In fairness, as a native of the state, I can tell you that a lot of Ohioans have the same reaction to Skyline.
I have never in my life looked at models on a runway and thought "she looks carefree". They always look grumpy and uncomfortable.
she's also a fucking neuroscientist who doesn't believe in vaccinating her kids, so i'm not exactly rushing to take her opinions seriously.
Grey's should have ended with sandra oh leaving. I feel like meredith is a freakin drag and her story is booooooooooring, although I had read that next season is all about her. SO i don't now how I feel about that. Maybe if they brought Izzy back that would be kind of interessting