
Are the writers here just bored anymore? Doctor of opinions over here trying to fluff that paycheck. Imagine thinking using periods right now in the world is an issue that warrants this type of write up...

A problem we have is that underleveraged companies are prime targets for vulture capitalists (like Mitt Romney’s Bain Capital). Once those parasites get a hold of the company the story is as predictable as it is frustrating.

But hey, the executives always get paid.

You know all the disadvantages of nuclear power? This doesn’t have that. 

Except for the C4 Cactus coming as a Jeep, which will not happen literally, it looks like a quite thorough analysis.

A few things,

Keep the stupid Impala for a couple more years or as long as you need it. It’s not like it’s going to be any less valuable with 150K than it is now with 125K. And the routine maintenance stuff you’ve done has only increased its value by a couple hundred anyway. You’re not going to get that money back. IMO, when you spe

I’m 100% with you. The irony here is that many of these same dealers and states who are getting screwed by needing a “wet signature” and struggling to sell cars in this environment are the exact organizations/states who fought Tesla’s dealer/distribution model tooth and nail. To them I say: Adapt or die. Fighting

I am already prepared!

We’ve also got two paid-off cars, and I’d been flirting with the idea of buying new the last two+ years, but couldn’t bring myself to do it. 2008 hit my family HARD, and I’ve had a lingering sense of foreboding that kept me from doing a lot things with my money all at once even though I could’ve afforded it—new car,

So, to answer your statement, there’s nothing on TV tonight.

Poor car dealers. They should get a big bailout check from the government. But first, let’s step into the finance manager’s office and go over a few items....

My well-educated 80+ year old parents were alwaysg very money savvy. Now I have to deflect them from obvious scam investments. There's a reason they prey on the old.

Heeeere comes the BanWagon!

I could get a good look at a comment by sticking my head up a Jalopnik’s ass, but I’d rather take the Star’s word on it. 

I can’t have this on my desk, just looking at it makes my ovaries hurt.


This seems to fit

This question was answered in 1984 via mankind’s crowning cinematic achievement, Red Dawn: