Texas: Where a $50K bond and 6 parking spaces are all you need to obtain a legitimate dealer license.
Texas: Where a $50K bond and 6 parking spaces are all you need to obtain a legitimate dealer license.
Totally agreed. I tried Mandrake 20 years ago, and it was a disaster. I gave it another go about 5 years ago with Ubuntu, and it was a night and day difference. Easier than Windows with fewer questions.
Totally agreed. I tried Mandrake 20 years ago, and it was a disaster. I gave it another go about 5 years ago with Ubuntu, and it was a night and day difference. Easier than Windows with fewer questions.
Why are you not saying, “Crack Pipe” anymore? Has this site been sanitized that badly?
The problem with your version of capitalism is that you only see one side. You greatly fail to see the opposite side of all this when the options are taken away from consumers to essentially handcuff the free hand of the market via a toxic mix of regulation, collusion, and monopoly.
Yeah, but the market might be starting to slow. At least for high-end models. Sold a ‘13 FX4 EcoBoost to Carmax last month. It took 3 weeks for them to finally sell the damn thing @ $35K...
Copyright my ass. The problem is profitability. The same thing that happened to Deadspin is going to happen to Jalopnik. Just look at the new site layout. You can’t even find the Morning Shift anymore, but hoo boy! Did they ever make sure to shove advertisements for anything and everything into your face first before…
5.4s are like first version 2.7 PRV engines; if you don’t maintain them, they’ll shit the bed and destroy cams and timing. Ignore Ford and do 3K mile oil changes, and you should normally be fine. If you’re worried, get the pre-emptive maintenance completed, but honestly, I’d recommend watching this mechanic’s videos:
I don’t trust the “Car Wizard”, nor Hoovie. They bought a DeLorean with an automatic transmission and lamented about how they couldn’t find parts to work on the trans. So in response myself, and many more owners posted and sent messages with the contact information for multiple vendors who provided everything from…
As someone who is currently buying interior and wiring pieces to correct the damage done to my 07, I disagree with you. Stop crushing these damn things until I can get all the salvageable parts off of them I need.
Car sales people usually don’t exactly come from stable, functional backgrounds.
Speaking as an amateur DIY electrician, I can confidently say that I would have no problem wiring up a 240V outlet.
Price isn’t a factor for the demographic who will be buying this thing. They’ll simply write it off as the cost of HOV access for faster commutes.
We’ll have to see. I’ve no doubt that trucks will always been in much higher demand in certain areas versus cars in others. Ie Texas vs. California.
Yup. As an example, at the time, it was believed that sewer gasses could cause blindness. So, since young boys discovering themselves would spend too much time in the bathroom or outhouse masturbating, it was considered a bad thing (now you know where the saying, “you’ll go blind” comes from). Likewise there was all…
From what I’ve seen, I believe personally that the used car market is about to shoot right past normalizing and go into freefalling with a glut of cars, but will stay high priced for trucks & SUVs.