
“but I don’t blame the dealers and I don’t blame the banks.”

*insert the rock clapping GIF here*

I keep hope that one day men will be appreciated for their intellect, and not their big watches or curvy stereo equipment.

Have you considered buying a car and then using it to drive as far away from New York City as possible?

This guy’s been trying to sell it for a while. I think on Oppo, some people pointed out that there are some major flaws with the build that necessitate more work. Namely the stock fuel system and ECU. Like, why do all this work and then leave out two highly essential parts?

Myself and several friends shot Bosch plugs through our hoods. Well, not clean through but there was a dent.

Because all this does is drive the price of an already expensive car up to the point that no one in their right mind would do anything but buy it and garage it. Porsche wants the car to be driven and enjoyed by enthusiasts. Thankfully, they care at least somewhat about their brand and not just making as much money as

People aren’t matches. And though he has “torch” in his name, I don’t blame him for this. Blame the crazies themselves.. they are the ones who’ve done wrong. I like that Jason brings injustice like this to light.

Too bad it will again, have arcade physics and feel, and the servers full of 11 year olds that think they’re playing Need For Speed. Honestly, par for the course for console gaming.

Both Forza and Gran Turismo are honestly extremely worried right now about Project Cars 2. Graphics on par with GT and Forza, Physics

Years ago I read a story about the time when Lotus was building the first series of Ford Cortina Lotus. Some people in Dearborn were nervous about the Lotus operation so they sent an engineer to audit the process - without warning, of course.

I would bet that land is being developed for retail or apartments in less than 6 months. I live in Austin and they can’t put them up fast enough right now with the influx of people moving here. It is killing a lot of small businesses that have been here for years. There was a Tex Mex Place that was open for 60 years

What? You expect these autonomous car jokes to just write themselves?

Does that mean he’s not coming on then?

So then...

So you would say this tiny cock measuring will....get out of hand?

I think you meant “see you at the Crosstour”

You forgot the Chysler Lemon

If you like IKEA meatballs:

Not and engineer and didn’t stay at a Holiday Inn, but it has to do with cylinder temperature variance. A water cooled engine can keep cylinder temperature more stable, helping more efficient combustion and reducing emissions.