Boy it sure feels like if all three companies de-listed Activision titles they could produce some results real fucking fast.
Boy it sure feels like if all three companies de-listed Activision titles they could produce some results real fucking fast.
I have played FF7 approx 35 times in the last 22 years of my life, I’m not playing FF7R expecting FF7, I’m playing FF7R for a BRAND NEW VISION of the game I played 22 years ago.
I managed to push this game out of my mind and heart after hurling it to my friends and deleted the save data.
“Two Guild Wars 2 narrative designers, Jessica Price and Peter Fries, were fired after Jessica attacked a well-established community member for asking a questions, shouted sexism, and refused to back down. This led people to dig into her Twitter page and realize she frequently posts opinions that ArenaNet does not…
This is a perfect example of why competition is important for any market. Steam has been near monolithic when it comes to PC gaming and even a year or two ago this would have been devestating for visual novels. With GOG becoming solid competition, the people at Valve need to really take a serious look at the content…
Hilarious. Absolutely not interested.
Six-winged angels everywhere. Someone’s been reading their Isaiah.
Guys go read the source, the person who responded(Amaro) was talking about Eastern dev versus Western dev philosophies, not for Splatoon 2.
The writer has essentially cut and paste two different responses together to get this article.
Salmon RUn response,
“With Splatoon 2, there definitely are people who want to know why…
Man, this is getting old.
Are we going to keep making these lame jokes?
The movie wasn’t that bad.
Have you seen the extended edition?
All you Marvel fanboys shut up.
Despite having a nearly incoherent kudzu plot and more anime cliches than you can shake a pretty boy at, I still find this series incredibly fun and charming. Better go get a ticket for the hype train.
Watching the Nintendo Switch presentation is like watching an ex girlfriend who has so much potential but is totally making the same fucking mistakes over and over and you just want to shake them and tell them to stop.
I know Final Fantasy XV is 2016 .. NOW.. after seeing an article earlier this morning actually.
Didn’t know about Star Ocean though.. I didn’t think it had a release date yet.
But I meant more along an exact release date instead of just “2016” lol ..I mean come on Final Fantasy XV has been in works for forever and a…
“you can play through the entire game without caring about any of this”
I was also curious about what makes Vávra tick. I’d only seen him from afar, in figurative armor. I’d spotted him as a pugnacious user of Twitter who would mix Tweets about game design with angry complaints about so-called social justice warriors and charges that, as he put it last October, “the future of our biz is…
This was the Gametrailers reaction.
Well, they had a war on emus in real life so it’s not that big of a stretch...