Guess I’ll still be sticking with NBA 2K11
Guess I’ll still be sticking with NBA 2K11
Kingdom Hearts is a unique thing to be working on, says Yasue, due to the necessity of finding a balance between respecting the Disney properties and incorporating original, creative ideas - so the training has been necessary.
Does anyone know if there will be a downloadable high-resolution texture pack for the PC version?
Where the heck is Palutena!?
Not a ton of love for Palutena it seems. I honestly think if used correctly she's one of the best characters in the game. She has a ton of ways to control the battlefield and has easily the best up smash in the game. Just my opinion, of course.
I'm actually really excited to see what Tabata will bring to the series. Crisis Core was, in my opinion, one of the best games on the PSP. If he can bring that level of story telling to this game I feel this has a chance to be one of the best games in the series. Only thing I worry about is the scope of the project.…
Not technically Rock Band, but it still kind of work.
The arrival of the velvet-smooth Grand Admiral Thrawn in the 1990s only cemented this view, yet for all the job's luster, video games have traditionally done a pretty poor job of letting you send thousands of pilots, gunners and crewmen to their deaths.
Great choice for number one! DD was such a great game. The power-ups were great especially the character specific ones. It really added a lot more strategy and depth that no other Mario Kart has seen since.
Since my last comment got deleted with the other post I will basically repeat what I said there. I'm a little disappointed that this is probably all we're going to see from KH III at E3, but not surprised. At least 2.5 finally has a release date, but I was hoping for something in the early Fall. December seems so far…
I prefer ProJared's Super Mario 3D World parody.
Yeah I was wondering the same thing. I was also curious how he was able to figure that 1.74 percent of the downloaders would eventually buy the game. I wonder where he's getting his metrics from?
While ten million pirated copies is cause for alarm, Football Manager boss Miles Jacobson is realistic about what it actually meant for his studio, saying that one pirated copy did not equal one sale lost. By their calculations, it added up to 176,000 lost sales, or $3.7 million in revenue.
Does anyone else remember The Warehouse? That was my usual spot to rent movies and games as a kid. It's was a weekly thing, my mom would go get a movie while I would run straight to the Sega Genesis game section and look through all the games. When my mom was ready to go I would pick a game and then we would head out.…
I've always been an AMD guy just because the price to performance ratio always made it the best choice for me. I do recognize that Nvidia has pretty much always had the most powerful GPU's on the market, but they always seem to be out of my price range.
Okay where to start.... I've been gaming pretty much my whole life and I have nothing but the up most respect for developers. All developers. I will never understand how they do what they do, but without them I would never have sunk hours into great games like Sonic 2 or GoldenEye as a kid.
As far as specific…
Ni No Kuni is so far my personal Game of the Year. While I loved the Last of Us I felt that with Ni No Kuni I was truly immersed in that world. The story was amazing with some truly tear jerking moments. Not to mention the beautiful music and visuals that really captured the Ghibli motif the game was going for. It's…