I can accept that the characters made stupid and selfish decisions but asking me to believe that a hospital does not keep O negative blood stocked is a step too far. Type O negative blood is not nearly as rare as television writers seem to think it is. I was actually watching the episode with someone who works in the

Was anyone else surprised by how much murder there was in this movie? Because if I remember there were at least four or five murders.

“Okay which set of rules are we following?” said the dragon.

“GREETINGS INDIGENOUS LIFE FORM!” said the booming voice from the vessel in the sky.


blocked on copyright grounds... Damn you FOX

Mustaches for everyone!

I'm guessing the Empire had to go through some major changes after losing its head of state, probably with no clear successor, not to mention the financial loss of having two Death Stars destroyed, one of them before it was even finished. I know some of the old expanded universe stuff claimed the Empire basically just

When I was watching this episode I kept going back and forth on things.

I'm still holding out hope that Victoria Hand is still alive somewhere in the MCU, probably being held prisoner by Hydra.

I have a feeling this isn’t going to end well for Quentin Lance. There is a good chance all of this will backfire on him and his credibility and career will be destroyed by the time it is over. He’s already barely keeping it together and if Roy’s plan works out no one is going to interested in anything he has to say

I always pictured Dr Claw having a metal face just like his hand.

I remember years ago there was going to be a line of Shadowrun action figures and some of them looked kind of cool. Did any of them actually get released?

"Iron Man is popular right now so put armor on everyone. Oh and Wolverine has claws, people love claws, give Wonder Woman claws!"

"Haha you can't catch me."

"WHEEEEEEE I can fly!"

They are following a drone to the city of light. I predict that the city of light is a city of robots. Next season will be human vs robot. You heard it here first.

As soon as Ben Franklin lost his head I knew we were not getting a timeline reset. I had some hope maybe Abbie would return to some kind of rewritten future. Maybe Sheriff Corben would still be alive. Maybe Jeremy Crane never became Henry Parish. Would Katrina still be evil? But nope just back to the same old.

Oh come on the movie wasn't that bad MWUAHAHAHAHAHAHA (continues cackling mad laughter while dashing away into the shadows)