"You may not enter the fort unless you know the password."

As soon as that carriage went by Abbie in the fog I could almost hear the showrunners somewhere saying, "You guys got a problem with this season? Well how about some time travel bitches. Yeah that's right. We will reset the entire show with a time paradox, deal with it."

Maybe the Martians were having a barbecue and things got out of hand.

There is an obscure Marvel villain called Psyhco Wolf who is Russian and has mental powers. He was one of Darkhawk's enemies which is probably why no one remembers him. I actually read Darkhawk way back when and during this episode I wondered if Ivchenko was supposed to be Psycho Wolf. But Psycho Wolf was also a

I like the concept but I am not sure about the title. A Force. I get that they are doing a play like they have X-Force for the X-men. But A-Force does not roll off the tongue the same way X-Force does. I'm trying to think of something else that plays with the A in Avengers but... A-Factor, Generation A...

I remember when I was little I had a babysitter who had this movie and let us watch it almost everyday. I thought this movie was pretty awesome back then.

Now playing

With the loss of Monty Oum I finally got back to working on my attempt at machinima I started a few year ago.

Is The Thing naked?

So they could not get Morgan Freeman to do the narration so they hired someone else to do their best Morgan Freeman impression.

I wanted to be MacGyver.

"Can you BEAR to meet my gaze little boy?"

"Yep you've got a leak." said the repairman.

This looks more like a prototype costume they put him in to start controlling his power rather than a final character outfit. Am I the only one that does not think it looks that bad? Yeah the show has embraced a lot more comic bookiness a lot faster than Green Arrow did but maybe having Firestorm in full red and

I think Katrina has to hit a rock bottom of stupid decisions before she recognizes that she has a problem and works to fix it. I don't know when or how she will hit it, but when she does maybe she can get on the road to recovery and become a more rational well written character.

I remember watching Noozles sometimes in the early 90's but I did not remember the title until now. I vaguely remember the koalas being dicks even the ones the girl was friends with.

I would like to see more of Ascension but not too much more. If they do continue it then they need to have an endpoint in mind because this is the sort of thing that could easily go off the rails if they drag it out too long.

"This rock candy is delicious."

This show started out with a really great concept but last season they just threw so much crap at the wall that didn't stick that I don't see how they can have a coherent ending. That and Kiera Cameron is a terrible person and I don't care how bad things get for her anymore.
