Oliver needs to stop being so against Laurel learning to fight. Think about all the times that she has been in danger and generally useless. Now she is finally learning a useful skill to contribute and maybe next time she will be able to take care of herself when danger comes along because come on, has he really

I also have nostalgia for Denver the Last Dinosaur.

So there's a dome involved in this? I hope its not like the one on CBS.

"How much longer do we have to hold the pose?"

I always feel weird when this series comes up. I red some of the books and they were good and I liked the movie. But then I remember that Emily Browning was in the movie. And then I remember that she was in Sucker Punch. And then all my love/hate for Sucker Punch comes back to me.

If I recall wasn't it just a smoke bomb or something and not a real grenade. Well now I have to go back and watch it again to be sure.

I only hate watch shows when I am at a relatives house and they watch shows that I hate. I never enjoy hate watching a show that I hate. Also sometimes I get roped into hate watching Big Bang Theory because my mom loves it and I don't know how to explain to her how insulting I find everything about it.


I can't find a skeptical eyebrow gif that is skeptical enough to express how skeptical I am of this.

I thought the Sarah Conner chronicles series handled the Terminator time travel pretty good. Basically anytime anyone time travels they created a divergent timeline. And they could never actually prevent Skynet and the war because that would create a paradox. They could delay it all they wanted but eventually

Did anyone else think this close up of Elizabeth Mitchell's smiling face looks kind of creepy? Like she should just smile like this and everyone in Storybrooke will bow to her in terror.

"Do you think the technicians need a hand?"

"I bet I look awesome right now. I bet I am the most terrifying thing the mortals wandering through here tonight will ever see. Yeah I am nailing this. I bet that... OH BOY A RAT IMMA KILLIT!"

I look forward to this ending very badly for Whitehall.

"I THINK I SMELL BACON," said Robo-Lion 1.

I haven't kept up with Naruto. Is Sasuke good again? That is Sasuke right?

"The whip of power compels you to obey," shouted the adventurer.

The last two seasons of Glee.

Oh man I was really looking forward to this show but now that its going to be on CBS I'm not so sure. I still hope it will be good but I am going to brace myself for the possibility that it will get turned into generic CBS crap.

"I have come to offer my devotion to the divine."