I was hoping that Ethan and the Offspring would team up to save the world or something. Or maybe the Offspring could have shown up at the house and it would turn out it somehow saved Ethan at the last moment. But yeah anyway there was a lot of wasted time that could have been spent developing that whole dichotomy

"Can I help you gentlemen with something?" said the dragon.

I once worked at a convenience store and indeed the bread delivery men do take care of the bread themselves. They take away the old bread and put the new bread on the shelf.

The Doctor understands that hating what is bad does not make you good.

So I wonder what happens to the E-Rep now? New York was the E-Rep capital right and probably where a lot of their leadership was located. And you saw how quickly things broke down at Camp Reverie once word got out that New York was gone what with the firing squads and bludgeoning commanding officers.

I guess people missed it but Christie didn't just accidentally kill Treasure Doll. She then actively manipulated the entire Tarr family into covering it up for her. In my opinion that was kind of a badass move for Christie to make and its about time. One way or another Alak and Christie were always going to have go

"They damaged some of the circuitry in the flux-harness so I'm going to have some trouble getting back to the world I came from. But hey at least now I know the trans-dimensional-encounter suit can protect me from arrows. Still I'm a little nervous about pulling them out, I don't want to risk making it worse. Hey

"I wonder if this is really the best I could be doing with my life. Maybe I should go back to grad school. I could probably afford it now. People pay a lot to get this kind of less-than-legal work done, so I have accumulated a nice sum over the years. Man I really need to sweep in here, and mop, and probably some

I didn't care when Edgar Wright was directing and I do not care now. If the title were Ant-Man and the Wasp I might have been interested. If the title was The Wasp and this was a movie about Janet Van Dyne I would have been sure to see it. Sorry Marvel but you don't have me on this one.

So which Ant-Man is that? Did Scott Lang come back to life when I wasn't looking? Didn't Hank Pym become the new Wasp for awhile?

"CUPCAKES!!!" screamed the little girl.

"If you enjoy my projection show then please show your appreciation with a generous donation. I may have a bionic face and hands but I still enjoy a good meal. Seriously though I still need to eat to survive."

A burrito is just a big taco.

Why did Brad and Curtis fight? In the middle of the rescue Brad and Curtis had a fight for what seemed like no reason whatsoever and it appeared to have no consequence at all.

GoGo Tomago looks the most similar to her comic book version. Honey Lemon also looks similar but it looks like they decided to go less sexy and more girly that how she usually appears. The rest look... very different.

I think that anyone interested in reading more X-Men should be warned a little about Chris Claremont. It is true that Claremont is behind some of what are considered the best X-Men stories but there is also plenty of other X-books by Claremont that are full of weird and terrible deus ex machina at the last moment

I have to agree with Rob on this. I do not believe Wright is that ignorant for this to be an accident.

Whatever the circumstances I'd still rather have a Wasp, Captain Marvel, Black Panther, Inhumans, etc movies instead of Ant-man no matter who directs it.

I have said it before and I will say it again, I do not care about an Ant-man movie. Maybe if it were a Wasp and Ant-man movie I would be interested but they have made it sound like we would not get Wasp until the sequel so if it does happen like that I will skip the first movie and wait for that. I do like Edgar