Someone should have killed Monroe a long time ago. Not because I hate the character but because the other characters should have hated him enough at some point somebody should have just gone "fuck it" and shot him in the face. Maybe someone running the show got some ridiculous idea in their head about him being a

I was barely interested in an Ant-Man movie to begin with. I might have seen it because of Edgar Wright but that was not a sure thing. I guess now I can go back to caring less than I already did.

I still say that 'San Fransokyo' sounds like something someone would say while coughing or sneezing.

Pacific Rim was awesome, just not as awesome as Godzilla.

I bet its going to turn out that Kate Morgan's husband was not really a traitor selling secrets and the real traitor was either her boss or her analyst sidekick who has a crush on her.

"So that's the hand of Orok? I mean I heard it was big but holy crap."

"Kill everyone all the time" I guess that's one way to run a show.

I guess it was okay. I mean it did not seem really bad but I'm not sure if it was good either.

Am I the only one whose mind goes straight to A Charlie Brown Christmas when seeing this?

So no more Riggins Gambit.


I think this was the first time Once Upon a Time has been truly entertaining all season. I can forgive all the time wasted in Neverland based on how much I just enjoyed this episode.

I never read Hellblazer and never really cared about John Constantine but I think I am going to be watching this show.

So is Magneto his dad in this movie or are they just going to ignore that? I guess they could probably get away with not mentioning that considering how convoluted the backstory was in the comics.

I was kind of disappointed that Raina didn't kill Garrett and take over the centipede operation.

Man of Steel

Well at least this means Karl Urban will be free for that Judge Dredd sequel... oh wait...

The idea that boys don't want to watch girls on screen is a ridiculous myth that pisses me off. I truly believe the only reason boys don't like girl characters is because someone tells them they shouldn't. There is a reason that Return of the Jedi was my favorite Star Wars movie when I was a kid and it had nothing

I think it is some kind of evil Mothra, so I guess that makes it more like Battra.