"Oh god I can feel it in my brain!!!"

That plot actually sounds kind of cool.

I don't think Loki had a plan in Thor until after Thor was banished and Obin went to sleep. Letting the Frost Giants in was just for fun to ruin Thor's big day, in fact I think he says that in the movie. But then he had this opportunity to seize power and just ran with it.

I thought the third season was just as good as the first two. Which is why all the random plot crap thrown at the wall of this season is so much more terrible. They could have had something here. There is clearly a story in there somewhere but it can't get out. Why the hell is Bo so into Rainier? Because he

They look like rotting severed Pikachu heads.

"So is it weird having a bunch of people live inside you?"

"Hey can I have that dead bird when you're done with it?"

There is something I have been wondering for a long time and I am beginning to wonder if the show is ever going to bring it up or if it has even occurred to the writers.

So this will include the continuity of the comics books. I did not really care for the comic book continuation of the series. They were not exactly bad but at some point I kind stopped caring that they existed because the story just did not hold my interest.

You were really good to us once a long time ago Heroes. Then things got weird. I really want to believe that you've finally cleaned up your act but you've made that promise before and broken it.

I have never heard anyone ever misquote Gandalf's "Fly you fools" line.

What were you saying about sets and production values? I kind of checked out when I saw Daenerys new dress. Uh... its a very nice dress. I have to... go somewhere now.

I don't know I thought Marville was kind of amazing for just how ridiculous it got when they just said "fuck it lets just write the characters going back in time to witness creation oh and they should be naked and Wolverine is the father of all humanity."

I remember that the American anime industry started to go downhill around 2005 and beyond. I never get tired of hearing you talk about the why and how of it all.

San Fransokyo still sounds like something someone said while coughing or sneezing.

When Dracula made his speech to Van Hellsing about killing him for giving him hope I thought it was a great moment because of how full of shit he is being. Van Hellsing told him there was no cure for being a vampire and Dracula decided he was going to live as a human anyway. Dracula set himself up for disappointment

I predict that it will come out that Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch are going to be Inhumans instead of mutants in Avengers 2 to help set up an Inhumans movie in Phase 3 or 4 of the Marvel cinematic universe.

"Hey that kid in the red cloak is back."

"What the hell happened here?" said Kal, "this place is a mess."

The theory that there were going to be dinosaurs on LOST.