I have to say, I enjoyed this episode a lot more than any other so far. Maybe because for the first time it felt like the show gave its lead actress the chance to do some decent acting.

239) Fear Her

I doubt Wendy will get aged up to be with Niel, if anything I think Wendy is probably going to stay a child and become Henry's girlfriend, either that or she will vanish into Storybrooke like so many other guest stars including Henry's first crush Gretel.

You forgot the part where it turns out that Thanagarians crash landed in ancient Egypt and were found by Prince Khufu and his wife and somehow meeting aliens caused them to be reincarnated together forever.

As soon as Chan/Scorch was free his first act was to murder his former Shield Handler. I think that soured Coulson on the idea of giving him a second chance.

I remember years ago at a convention J Michael Strazynski talked about working for a network owned by Warner Bros and how the company was basically run on 'shadow logic' in that instead of being encouraged to play nice WB encourages everyone to compete against each other with the idea that this will somehow make them

That was the most awesome game ever created anywhere and all games that have come after it have failed to be as awesome.

I see the way Miles and Rachel look at each other, with no believable emotion whatsoever. I wish the people writing this show would just give up on that shitty romantic subplot, it would go a long way to making this show better.

I don't know, if they are using humans as livestock/food that doesn't seem like a very efficient business model unless they are catering to very niche market on their planet.

Okay lets get one things straight, Food Fighters were awesome.

She is standing like that because robots.

I'd like to find out what the hell happened to the Destiny crew and what happened after Atlantis landed off the coast of California. It doesn't necessarily have to be a movie. Is anyone making Stargate comics? Because they should.

Maybe they are just anti-superhero marriage?

The less said about Jubilee being a vampire now the better because it was stupid. If the new title is any indication so far they are just trying to pretend it never happened.

I think Jubilee could be useful if she used her power more effectively. In theory she should be able to make stuff explode or set things on fire if she used her power the right way.

The X-Men and the Fantastic Four are so different that putting them together could get awkward.
I guess in one way I could see it working with the X-Men continuing to be the allegory for those experiencing ethnic/social discrimination and the FF as people who successfully integrated into mainstream society to avoid

I thought it was kind of obvious that it was going to be aliens.

The ending of LOST was perfect. That is all.

I think you meant to say the awesome ending of Battlestar Galactica.

In the book Dracula was basically a remorseless psychopath. I hope they at least stay true to that.