This is sorely needed proof that there are still good things in this world, and that one man can still make a difference. Thank you for another year of being the greatest. <3

Binding Arbitrations should have been deemed unconstitutional from the start. They are in direct violation of the 5th and 14th amendments, operating in direct contradiction of an individual’s LEGAL rights — and, no, you cannot sign your rights away. They are yours. Inalienable. That’s what makes binding arbitrations

I was under the impression that such contracts/agreements are unenforceable if laws were potentially broken. I don’t see this going well for Riot. 

Someone needs to explain to people - particularly the rich and powerful - that holding yourself accountable for breaking the law isn’t posting an apology on the internet. It’s going to jail and/or paying fines to the victims of their crimes.

I feel like Riot might be a good test run for unionizing the industry. The workplace problems at Riot are many and manifest in different forms. A united front to strike against all these problems would be better than the top-down approach that’s been reported.

Riot is very committed to cleaning up its culture as long as it faces zero consequences, zero scrutiny, and doesn’t have to fire anyone of any real significance.

You mean a game published by NCSoft is having it’s studio screwed over?

Are you really going to act like people (the industry included) don’t use graphic novel and trade paperback interchangeably? She’s read the first two volumes, not everyone reads comics in single issue.

The script, which retells an origin story for the heroine, makes some changes to the original, most notably turning Hercules, a good guy in the original series, into a villain. Which, I mean, fair. Hercules, mythologically speaking, wasn’t exactly a peach of a dude.

The show stopped being a must watch for me when they pulled that Glenn and the dumpster bullshit seasons ago. Top that off with having to see Chris Hardwick’s face during commercials is enough for me to never watch it live anymore. I have them DVR’d but I still haven’t even watched the season premiere yet.

Nakia was right.

It’s disappointing to see this happen, especially after Riot claimed they would take steps to change their policies. This is why I tend to gravitate toward multiplayer games with smaller, tight knit communities such as SpyParty. Sure, you might run into a few toxic, disruptive people, but for the most part, there are

Tell men that a single room at a single event is off limits to them for a couple of hours and it’s a war crime to be tried at the Hague. Implement and nourish a work culture openly hostile for over a decade and “ThaT’S JuSt VieDEo GamES BRo”

Yeah let’s focus on what a lying cheating asshole Cebulski is instead.

The fact that this racist asshole is still running Marvel Comics is an insult to pretty much everyone.

Rob is the literal best. That is all.

Yeah, the Peter Parker I grew up with spent most of his time as young adult in a relationship with Mary Jane (married in the comics, dating in the 90s cartoon). I hated One More Day both because it was a horrible premise— a hero literally making a deal with the devil— and because fuck you, Quesada, I loved MJ and her

I think that the editors underestimated how much people cared for that marriage. The editors grew up with Spiderman who was poor and down on his luck and not married and they always wanted to go back to status quo but 20 years means a generation of people who not only got used to this marriage but grew up with it. For

I think equating the two here is... Problematic.