I feel like I'm the only person who is not excited about this.

Okay I'll admit Hank Pym is an easy target but it might not have become an issue if Marvel did not keep letting writers bring it up over and over again, usually as a crutch for cheap drama more than any kind of actual commentary on domestic abuse.

I can understand Pym, that's why I don't sympathize with him.

I have no idea but Marvel seems determined to act like he is in the comics anyway.

Oh thank god. For a minute I was afraid they might actually try to pass off a self pitying spouse abusing headcase as a hero. I am glad that will not be the case and I hope they stick to it.

I still feel like people misunderstand what happened at the end of season 1. There was foreshadowing from Five Years Gone that Peter was the one that blew up New York. The only reason that Peter was going to blow up was because Sylar forced him to double absorb Ted Sprague's ability. Everyone had their role to play

Oh yeah one more thing, every minute of the final episode of season 1 was amazing, okay maybe not Peter's dream conversation with his dead patient that did go on a bit longer than necessary, but the rest of it was truly great television.

I think that was wishful thinking on Microsoft's part what with Zachary Quinto and Hayden Panetierre busy having actual careers.

Is Tim Kring or anyone else involved in the show going to have any story input? Because if they are this will probably be terrible. But if Dynamite is doing their own thing there may yet be hope.

I was busy seeing Pacific Rim.

Don't feed the troll Rob.

Is anybody else wondering where Doc Yewell disappeared to at the end? Did she get smacked around by the Thingie like everyone else when she was zapping it with rays? I thought she might show up at the end to revive Nolan but instead we got Votan space god magic for that.

My early con experiences were all good, even great. But the only con I really went to was Wizard World Chicago and this was when Wizard Entertainment was at their peak in the late 90's and early 2000's. As many people know a lot changed at that company in a short time and the change was visible with how inferior

I hope it has mammoths.

I think that deep down Doc Yewell wants to be good/atone for past atrocities, but at her core she is a scientist and now that she has the Thingie she can't resist experimenting with it.

Damn right we watch this show for Jessica. In fact, screw the rest of the show, HBO should just give Jessica her own spinoff.

Mr Bricken is sounds almost like you are making some kind of joke.

Well now its time for fan theories.

Congratulations DC, I know your goal is to avoid getting new people to read your comics and to actually get rid of some of your old customers and I think you have just taken a big step to killing any chance you will ever have at real mainstream success, and or course we all know that is the best way to run a business.

I have not watched this show at all since the first episode. I believe that was the right choice.