I remember there was also some subplot about the Pink Ranger losing her powers so she wasn't strong enough to have a Zord at the time or something and it eventually led to Kimberly being replaced by Katherine.

Terra Nova was awesome

I hope they have a good reason for why two pilots are necessary.

Axe Cop, Axe Cop, Axe Cop, Axe Cooooooooop, Axe Cooooooooop, Axe Cooooooooop, I'm singing the Axe Cop theme song in case you can't tell

I have seen a lot of cosplayers do humanized MLP and I think most of their outfits were better than these character designs.

The movies were never in canon with the series.

I recently watched some of Stand Alone Comlpex again. At times it was really great. But now I also see that some of the episodes could be really god damn pretentious.

Is this how you make comments?
