
Give it time, it'll be back. You can't escape the Gizmodo-Apple hard on!....

Don't forget about your amazing advancements in the cheese industry!

At first, I was wondering why it was called bunny..... Then, you said 'dust bunny' and I couldn't believe I missed it.

It's certainly heavy enough to do some damage.

Well, yeah.... but I didn't know that at the time.

MDMA utilizes Serotonin. Opiates, like heroin, utilize dopamine. Sort of like the same sensation you get after sex. Amphetamines increase adrenaline. And cocaine gets those synapses in the brains firing really fast. My product is 51 times stronger than cocaine, 51 times more hallucinogenic than acid, and 51 times more

Okay. I know that a G27 is a gun (heard of it before), but I had no idea what it looked like. So, I go to Google Image Search for g27 and I can't stop laughing!! All I can do is image some guy in Ohio beating down crazed drug users/zombies with a Logitech steering wheel!

That's been happening a lot lately.....

I found it if you'd like it, too. See above.

I found it if you'd like it, too. See above.

That about sums it up.

Not everyone keeps their genitals in the same place...

MY GOD! It's worse than I thought!!

Isn't that around where that earthquake took place not too long ago?