
A Dock Connector to Thunderbolt cable is more likely, I would think (just like we used to have Dock Connector to FireWire cables).

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I wouldn't mind having anything from this scene.

Yeah, I was all on board the moment I heard about them.... Didn't even know for sure what they did, just what they represented and what they looked like.... I still want them. A lot.

Would be better if worded, "Are you guys really putting words in his mouth?", but either way is acceptable.

When you're pressing the F8 key, to boot into Safe Mode (or any of the other options) it's not a BIOS command; it's a command in the Windows Boot Menu.

I wish I had! I saw it on one of the Cheezeburger sites.


I think something may be worded a little strangely.... It's not that the TVs won't be on sale.... just that Sony and Samsung will be determining when they go on sale and for how much.

This is one of the best comments ever!

I do this constantly

I get most of my tech news here. Right up until the Kickstarter protest Gawker Media has always served me well.

Yeah, I hadn't heard about the Pebble until this article. I had to Google it. Thankfully, the Kickstarter page was the first result. Unfortunately, it ended 3 days ago.

Punishing someone isn't the same as punishing them in front of their friends and family (or, in this case, the world). Extreme embarrassment can have a lot of negative side effects. Sometimes, these side effects don't even present themselves until later in life; possibly in the form of excessive drinking (which is

I can only go by the information that is presented to me. So, with the information in the article (context), I presented my conclusion.

An "eye for an eye' attitude tends to perpetuate negativity, rather than solve the underlying problems. That attitude tends to fuel most feuds, and almost every historical example of enmity between peoples and nations. Vengeance is human nature, but reacting with compassion and an eye towards problem solving can often

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Come on guuuuuyyyyyssss! I thought you knew better? Don't copy that floppy!

I'm not sure what the girl did wrong (other than violate Facebook's terms of service because she's only 12)...