
People: commenting on the cost of the belt or the look of the belt is really not important. Stop. It would be the same as if I got arrested after I bought a $300 video card at Fry's just because of my ethnicity. There are plenty of things that we can judge people for spending $300 on if we're dicks.

That's an outdated grammar rule that was arbitrary in the first place.

Merle Haggard's lawyers told me I can't show up at his house anymore.

This calls for the big guns.

Suddenly I feel very spiritual.

I'm just dyyyyying to know what his vision of a girl-focused youth club promoting "biblical womanhood" looks like. I'm sure it requires BAKING cookies instead of selling cookies...because that's a woman's place, right?

If Thin Mints are the first part of the Communion of Satan, what's the wine part?

They're still together?! All of these feelings:

I loved that show growing up. The whole cast was awesome and watching them try to get through the skits without cracking up was the best part.

It's about damn time. She always was a very funny comic and being a woman comic is hard enough today, I'm sure it wasn't easy when she started. This is a well deserved award.

Last year, Carol Burnett came to town doing a one woman show and I scraped the last of my pennies together to see her.

Carol Burnett show=Best variety show evar.

Can I sit next to you? I'll share my popcorn.

It sounded to me like a lot of people were arguing that boy's boners should take precedence over girls participating in sports, and I think it's fair for me to make this assumption when this shit has been used to exclude women from everything from sports to the military to political positions and jobs. This

When my wife took up kyokushin with me, she had to buy gloves for sparring. We went to all the sporting goods stores, and guess what?

I got my 10 year old daughter the Hawkeye Nerf bow for the holidays. It would never occur to her that Nerf products were just boy toys. She is a better shot than I am! We have duct tape targets put up all over the house!