You might say it's a... Guilty pleasure.
You might say it's a... Guilty pleasure.
Don't mind me... I'll just be in the gutter with my mind.
When you grow up you can be whatever you want to be!
That having sisters predisposes men toward generosity?
Charlie Sheen is the hydrogen that bonds all celebrity matter to itself. (My chemistry knowledge sucks, so I have no idea if that joke is actually funny. Sorry to my science peeps!)
Or Don Bluth film refugees.
I think you mean wood sprite turned human AWESOME MACHINE.
That this kind of casual self-promotion comes so easily to girls points to a yawning—and promising—generational divide. Maybe we adult women, of the Lean In generation, have something to learn here.
"If I could bottle up the chills that you give me, I would keep them in a jar next to my bed." That was the best line I ever wrote in my life.
I grew up working in my dad's shoe store. What I find sexiest on a woman is a wedge. - James Wolk
Well played, Kmart... Well played.
Just Stahp.
Well, it's told in flashback by Odin so I'm not sure how much they cut. He was MARVELous though. ;)
Fairy nuff. It's got a great cast so I don't really understand why the interest is lacking... or not as the case may be.
Dear Rebecca BRIMSG, I love you. Sincerely, Me.
Like a foundling carved out of onyx.