

Artemis, making archery badass since 800 B.C.E.

Surely you're not suggesting that knowing this in theory is the same as knowing how you're going to feel and react when a grunting guy twice your size is grinding his dick against your ass while pawing at your chest (albeit in a completely platonic manner), right?

That for instance, there will never be any girls uncomfortable with how they're being grabbed or held, whether it's deliberate or not?

I can tell from that comment that you are a girl who has a lot of learning about human behavior, more specifically, male sexuality to do.

There's clearly quite a difference between popping a boner in class or at lunch when it basically stays the guy's business opposed to popping one wrestling a girl when it's likely to rub all over her and afterwards she'll probably complain about it.

And cups really aren't designed to hold back erections. They're there to stop injuries.

Changes in air temperature will set them off, for god's sake.

I'm... I'm so happy... :_)

In law, the technical term for this sort of ruling is a “double whammy,”

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I'd wager the "women aren't funny" is in reference to Hitchens's op-ed piece in Vanity Fair that went back and forth a few times.

But "I don't know people who think this way so clearly these stats are flawed to the point of being meaningless" isn't exactly a scientific conclusion.

I would be interested to know Google's formula for these, to find out just how many people DO search for these to make the results feed out at the top. Obviously, advertisers want this data, so finding out might be considered a trade secret.

I have no damn idea how many people would be interested in SEARCHING FOR THAT.

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Sadly, EVERYONE considers my friend a below-average-looking or odd-looking woman.

I love this so much... and that accent is hella sexie.

I mean, Jesus isn't going to rock and mutter about himself all day, you guys.

Oh I dunno about that. Moretz is incredibly freaky... Also, kinda unrelated: HIT GIRL FOEVA!

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Comic Book Guy would not be happy to learn that Ben Affleck, the worst Batman EVER, has yet to begin practicing his Batman voice around his family,