
...but what if this game blows?

already bought it for the Mario Kart 8 bundle. Everything after this is gravy. Smash Brothers, Star Fox, Zelda, Captain Toad, Bayonetta...i held out for when shit got good...shit just got good.

It's either not as "beloved" as it was led to believe, not getting the funding because Harmonix made a pretty nice score with the Rock Band series and people feel like they shouldn't have to fork over money just to help get a game made, or people are tired of companies remaking or updating old games that weren't

I think you mean Best RPG of all time.

People seem to forget, when Steam first came out, it wasn't, at all. It took a decent amount of time for people to fall in love with it, most downright hated it. I'm not saying I love Origin, but it is what it is. Does it affect the game any? No. Does it run the game? Yes. Thats all that really

Do I believe it is as much of a sport as football or baseball? No, of course not. Do I believe it is as competitive as them? Yes. The fact is, it should be recognized as more than "just a game" because you do have to get good at it, and for that, you have to train and practice. Its as much a sport as ping pong,

You think Star Trek was WORSE than RIPD, anything Stephanie Meyer has ever done, AND After Earth...dude, your credibility is garbage based on those 3 alone. Your best, was solid, but your worst, makes you sound like a bandwagon jockey, faux trekkie, hating on a movie because a bunch of other hyper fan boys hated on

I used to work at a game store, and selling street dated material BEFORE the street date is a HUGE no no. This dude doing the leaks, scumbag. His friend that sold him the game early, also scumbag, and will probably get fired, because he's an ass and so is his friend. What these idiots don't understand is that

Nomination: BenQ RL2450HT. I personally prefer this monitor because of its vibrant colors, great refresh rate, the fact it has multiple presets designed specifically for different types of games and 2 custom ones for you to adjust yourself. It can be horizontal or vertical and has a solid base with full swivel.

Yes, THAT is what i'm saying. I don't believe in curing cancer or space exploration. Don't be an idiot and over think things. I gave my opinion, I gave my reasons, if you forgot them, then read up, they are plastered ALL OVER this page. Go ahead and make assumptions about me, you don't know me or anything about me

I do have a newborn daughter, and I can assure, she will be taught not to say ridiculously stupid things on the internet in the age we live in. And the "if you're hard enough" comment, was a joke that these kids think they're untouchable and can spout off at the mouth, saying any nonsense they want.

Not the point. In real life, i can see who said it and know if its a joke or not. In words, on the internet, you don't have that luxury.

Not even close.

I feel for the families of the children that WERE shot up in a school. Not for some little shit making a joke about it as part of an online rage. That's not a laughing matter or something that should be made to be "humorous".

You can abuse ANYTHING. I'm not saying that in the legal sense, I'm talking about morally. You're incapable of a serious conversation by your initial dive into this. You don't understand the concept of an opinion and you don't understand what freedom means. Freedom is something to be relished and appreciated not

I'm listening to what everyone is saying, I just don't agree with it. See that's the beauty of having an opinion that you just don't seem to understand. I could care less what a few people on here are "thinking" about me, they're entitled to that.

No, I don't have empathy for this kid. He shot off at the mouth and was caught. I've said numerous times that maybe he shouldn't have been jailed, but the fact that he was doesn't make me feel sorry for him.

Your attitude and inability to articulate further than "I hope you die in a fire" says otherwise. Lol, you sound so worldly.

Freedom of speech is held up in America, abusing that freedom isn't something to be applauded. The founding fathers didn't fight for those rights to have them abused by some little shits like that kid.