
I don’t reads like Batman and/or Superman stole your favorite toy in kindergarten. The whole entire article is predicated on the concept of super heroes being ridiculous and the fight between an alien and a rich mortal. If you actually read comics, mostly because it sounds like you don’t, you’d understand

i would assume some...more robust...backwards compatibility will be coming around this time next year for the PS4. They won’t let Microsoft “catch up” that much by not listening to the cheers that announcement got, they created a lot of good will (so to speak) by doing everything microsoft didn’t do when the new

trading? more like being ripped off, you’re not nearly as skilled as you think, and you’re getting gold in return. i should be able to write this off as charity for the next person you use these on. as for why, i unfortunately am getting up to walk out the door to go home. I’ll give you the SpaceBalls short, short

you don’t have to cry buddy. it’s ok. oh, i’m sorry, were you talking about me? I wasn’t aware that i was the one who wrote their manifesto on the ills of the avengers movie and how it butthurt them ever so much. my friend, you need to ease up on your angry typing...i can hear you slamming your keys from my office.

just checked “”, i’ve played 1710 hours. Mind you, that, i believe, includes time being logged in, not just “in game” as it were.

i can articulate it perfectly fine...i’m not going to waste my words, and what is INFINITELY more valuable, my time, on a pompous dickbag like you. i don’t need to go out of my way to prove that fact, you’ve done it for me. but thanks for using my insult, imitation is the best form of flattery. stay salty, roper.

i love reading about how hard gaining IP is...i’m in silver, i’ve been playing since S2, i play a decent amount, but not a great deal, my average is maybe 5 games a week, sometimes more, sometimes less. I own all but 7 champs i think, all the runes i need, i’ve purchased skins and boosts. I have about 35k ip

thats adorable, you can only respond in gifs because you’re all out of bullshit...i love these weekend comic fans. Enjoy the movie because its fun, it’s not a shot for shot reenactment of the Avengers since issue 1...get over yourself Siskel.

i’m sorry, i can’t hear you over your bullshit laden pretension.

I’m glad someone else understand that this isn’t based off the classic rendition of the Avengers. Thank you, fellow comic reader, and shame on you, pretentious panel who’s comic book expert missed that most BASIC of facts.

Arkham Knight in the VIP room is $43.79 not $22. Unless you're seeing something I'm not.

Arkham Knight in the VIP room is $43.79 not $22. Unless you're seeing something I'm not.

i like heroes, but in comparison to Dota2 and League, its just goofy and not very competitive. its fun, sure, but i don’t feel the same level of competition in it. the games are fast, but even if we’re getting pummeled, i never felt like we couldn’t come back to league, when you’re down, you’re down, you have

pretty much every competitive online game ever made...

Here's the thing...Game companies make games they want to make. If she wants a game with a fat woman with blue skin and acne as the hero, then get a team and develop that game, crying about it won't get it made. Games are meant as an escape from real life...that's why most male characters are super good looking,

I would like to kick this kid in the chest, repeatedly, until his lungs collapse and he's coughing up blood. It is at THAT point, that I would start kicking him harder. Shitbags like this have no moral compass, they have no sense of "while I may find this funny, it's not right." Its good to know kids like this are

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Don't forget in Suikoden 1, when you talk to the dragon, and it makes a decidedly "undragon" sound.

I've had the first one from the PSN for quite a while, i just realized the added the 2nd today, thats so amazing! I'm happy for the people out there that haven't gotten the chance to experience this game. Hooray for everyone!

good luck getting a hold of one for under 100 bucks. Game had a low print run, but so worth every penny.

So much yes to this article. If i could yes it more, i would. The Suikoden series is, by FAR, my favorite game series of all time. 108 stars of destiny, recruiting to build up your castle, this is the perfect RPG, in my opinion.

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I'm definitely guilty of watching a few of these shows, but here's a few that were left off that I legit miss.