
I honestly don't care where you live, or anything about you for that matter. You're just another little kid, hiding behind the veil of internet anonymity, saying what you want without fear of repercussion. Karma's a bitch, though.

Maybe, maybe not. Fact is, he DID get arrested and he WAS in jail and I don't feel bad about that. I was no saint growing up, I said some dumb things in my time, but even at my most insensitive, I wouldn't DREAM of saying something that stupid or that wrong. As i've said, maybe they came down hard on him, or maybe

In the age we are in, nothing can be taken at face value. When kids DO go and shoot up schools, and hunt people they game with down to kill them, then yes, it IS scary. The need to be a hardass on the internet is out of control. These kids, they have no filter, they have no tact and they hide behind anonymity.

And I hope someone reads this, reports it and you get thrown in jail for 4 months and have to deal with being a little internet hardass in a room full of prisoners.

See, thats where you don't get it. It WASN'T funny, it WASN'T comically absurd. It was in bad taste. I'm not being incredibly insensitive and stupid to be point of being considered dangerous, so I'm not worried about what I say.

Like i've said a few times now, what if it wasn't a joke? What if it turned out to be a real threat and this kid DID shoot up a school, then what? Then we have a tragedy on our hands and everyone feels terrible because of what happened and games are blamed again. The parent or person that reported reading that was

The problem is that with online anonymity, you don't KNOW if that person is kidding or serious. That's why its scary. What if it turned out he was serious and nothing was done? Then what? With a situation like this, there are more questions of what if than if it were a face to face reaction. Maybe he didn't

In the times we live in, unfortunately people see something like that and it raises a red flag. Is a parent wrong for seeing that if his/her kid is playing against this kid and be like "oh, thats funny"? Of course they are, what if he WAS crazy, what if he DID shoot up a school then? The person who reported that

No, because I didn't threaten to kill a school of little kids. My name is the product of a misspelling in a newspaper about my baseball team in high school. They are HARDLY the same. It wasn't someone finding what they said as "childish". What he said was more than just "bad taste". In the times we live in, in

No, I'm not a troll, I just don't feel bad for him. People online feel they can say whatever disgusting crap they want to anyone, simply because they lost or weren't the best. I'm not saying everyone should go to prison for it, but i've had some things said to me that I would NEVER repeat, and while sure a lot of it

Classic of the ONLY rpg's i can literally pick up at any time and do a full play through in couple days...for 1 and 2...sooooo good. I really wish they would make a new one, or an hd remake.

Its pronounced "Swee-ko-den"

why, because they took consequence out of this little sh!ts life?

Not gonna lie, you don't say stupid things like that. I don't care if its in a game. I don't feel bad that he said some messed up things and got sent to prison and had to deal with the repercussions of saying some SERIOUSLY stupid things. Internet tough guy gets in REAL trouble and meats ACTUAL tough guys, and they


Once more, comprehend. Not a or any PhD is advanced by just owning and using a calculator, because if you don't use it correctly, then nothing is gained from owning and/or using it.

really? So a PhD in Philosophy is advanced by owning a calculator? A PhD in music production is advanced by owning a calculator? I do believe that you don't quite understand how a doctorate works. I can appreciate you trying to troll me with your pseudo-intellectual jabs, fact is, you're wrong.

Provided you know how to use it. My sister owns a hammer, she can't use it for crap, so it wouldn't advance her at all in carpeting. Simply owning it doesn't mean you know how to use it properly or that it will advance you in any way.

Again, i state. How will OWNING a calculator advance you to a PhD? How will USING a calculator advance you to a PhD? I can appreciate your snarky answer, but it makes you sound like a condescending douche...that you most likely are. Degrees are both advanced and attained by hard work, not by owning a calculator.

live by the internet and die by the internet...if you can't handle a tough audience then the story shouldn't be posted. And i don't have to be a woman to know that dress is TRAGIC.