True enough ;)

I love the movie, but what would you even make the game about? It is wayyy too easy to make a shit game, especially a movie licence game.

Though it looks interesting, I don't know how anything with this graphic style can be called "gritty" ;) But it already seems way better than Watch_Dogs.

I cannot explain how creepy this is.

Japanese dating gadgets always make me feel sad for the state of dating in Japan.

They FINALLY got around to making an HD remake of Night Trap? How did i not hear about this? ;)

shouldn't they fix the issue that is making people want to shoot into a cave for hours on end before removing the loot cave?

I just don't think a game like this works on Nintendo systems. It's so out of character compared to Mario and Zelda and the like (except maybe no more heroes). As was mentioned, game's fate is tied to the parent system, and most of the audience for bayoneta are not on the Nintendo train. Wonder if they can "sell"

It is sad when when most things I see about Destiny are how to cheat the system as opposed to how to enjoy the game.

It's horrendously sad that the game designs encourages this mind numbingly boring behavior just to squeeze out a bit of enjoyment, instead of designing the system to be challenging but rewarding. That "Become Legend" meme you have up there for the shooting into a cave sums it up rather well. Imagine if to defeat the

I am still in absolute awe at how people are willing to shoot into a cave, for hours on end, with zero enjoyment, instead of, i don't know, playing a more fun game, or not playing the game at all. I think this is the reason the gaming industry in general makes games like these... they know they will be bought and

If only a good, deep current gen mech game (with a good story, so armored core is out:p) could be developed. I was very disappointed in the semi recent Mechwarrior. That first image really looks like an Excalibur.

Holy crap, Torgue got annoying.

My theory is MGS is a fever dream Kojima had while on Peyote.

There goes any hope for a Psychonauts sequel or redo. Don't think anyone is going to take Schaffer or Double Fine seriously after this.

I'm always saddened when game creates create something with such a vacuum of creativity due to lack of effort that players (infinitely more creative) have to come up with better material to compensate for the lack of material there (indoctrination theory in Mass Effect, for instance). Even if bungie is "setting up"

Not that i was that worried about it (i did not buy it), It was more the straight out lying that they did in regards to the game, is all.

Always happens? How many console generations has borderlands crossed besides this current one? Lol.

I hope this is awesome as colonial marines.

I cannot think that Noman Reedus is anyone but Norman Reedus in the game, so anytime i see his face I will be sucked out of the came because ill realize "Hey, that's Norman Reedus".