It's like... all gaming video game horror tropes were rolled into one game to save me time from having to play a bunch of different games! ;)The way the character was moving gave me the impression that... what was going on was not concerning to them in the least, like casually turning around when that weird torso was

This article depresses me with how much inflation has lowered the value of money, lol. 20 then and 38 now?

They are too busy making FF13 part 4 through 40 to have time to hire this guy.

I wonder how much "Final Fantasy 7 but not Final Fantasy 7" they are going to throw in this one.

The only way i would buy this would be if there was an HD remake of Xenogears. I baught into xenosage thinking that it would have at least SOMETHING to do with Xenogears, but all i got were moany, emo characters with halted speech patterns, a protagonist whom i did not like, and a story that gave me a headache. Also,

I'm looking forward to playing as the nintendo zapper in the next smash brothers.

The respawning ammo seems... silly. It removes all stress of aiming shots or not spraying and praying. The only thing i don't like regarding the mechanics of the game (rest is rather solid).

This really is like "Making a stand against punching babies". No one deep inside thinks punching babies is ok. If people are already being hateful, this open letter is not going to do anything. If they are not being hateful, then this letter is not going to do anything. I know the urge to feel like you are doing

i could not get over how generic the lore was, or character classes were, or the aliens looked. Not that Halo had stupendously original concepts, but Destiny is chock full of "oh, that is inspired by halo" moments. Too many. Borderlands felt very original in comparison. Shooting mechanics were spot on... but i wonder

Well, to be fair, it's not like men want short(well, maybe sometimes), poor, fat women either.

Even "Maleficent" was somehow turned into a rape revenge story... and my ass thought I was going into a cool "villain" movie.

This is such a stupidly simple idea that it is awesome.

Though i agree with the gist of what you are saying... but it is similar to me starting a kickstarter for a car project that will benefit ME, and i reward you all with pictures of the car that I am now enjoying that you all paid for. Maybe I'm selfish, but that is not something I would send money to fund. PLENTY of

30 seconds on the work they did on the actual game, and then the entire rest of the clip on the non game merchandise they are selling? I'm just happy that the original game is packaged with the this release to play on current operating systems, as i think the charm, voice acting, gameplay and story are already

Are they using the gender, sexual orientation, ethnicity, or religion front to ask gamers not to be mean to them? I know reviewers and gamers have been (somewhat justifiably) harsh towards publishers and game developers due to a lot of the lackluster games (and straight misrepresentation of broken games on release)

That's a very valid point. Especially with the lambasting they laid on tMicrosoft and the company that is making the new Lara Croft. Gaming journalism is as balanced as... well, any journalism, I guess, lol.

Unsure if it is just me... but non of those even remotely made Robin Williams come to mind, even the genie one.

That's actually kind of a good point... that a repetitive demo is the biggest thing on the new generation consoles due to nothing else really exciting being out on them.

Dunno if it is me getting old, but i play games to relax,and this overhyping of basic gameplay so you have to physically reload, or swing your arms about (remember how much fun it was with xbox kinect? Anyone? No one?). I just want to sit my ass on a couch and enjoy a good game, instead of having to play mediocre

No guys, seriously, THIS TIME you will like assassin's creed ;)