AoT suffers from the same thing a lot of Animes of its type suffers from... Cool concept, but with story arc, direction, or goal (animation non withstanding). Knights of Sedonia is suffering the same thing (i REALLY liked the concept, and how they evolved humanity, but you know deep inside no one thought about the end

Even with mustaches, everyone looks like a 15 year old girl. Whichi guess... nails the look perfectly? lol/

I'm also rather confused, if it is not going to move, seems a waste to have someone in there. The Gundam in Japan looks awesome without having to stick anyone in it. I would have been just as impressed with this if it was just a fan made model without anyone inside.

I'm also rather confused, if it is not going to move, seems a waste to have someone in there. The Gundam in Japan looks awesome without having to stick anyone in it. I would have been just as impressed with this if it was just a fan made model without anyone inside.

Wish they had more game announcements, instead of "fixing shit that was not quite functional on release" announcements.

I honestly think it is due to the horrific out of the gate performance Microsoft put on in regards to the Xbox One, the name they picked for it, the limitations they were touting as consumer friendly, the focus on all the non gaming aspects of it. All Playstation really had to do was summed up rather well with that

"I don't want to over speculate... but I am about to over speculate" lol. But i do agree with your sentiment, seems like they are about to toss out the system with the last gen ones.

I work in nightclubs, and I'm getting just as tired of DJs bitching and moaning about people not being nice or other DJs playing more than them and such, and these developers are getting just as annoying. Heartfelt or not, Do something about it, or fucking do something else. THAT BEING SAID, he does have a point

I'm trying to get the joke here... The main characters in the game are police officers... and the special was the police help you with a bazooka. Are the saying that the protesters in Florida are the bad guys in the game? This is silly.

Nah, just Kidding, It's actually Final Fantasy 13 - 4 "Lightening Is Never Going To Go Away"

The only thing i found soothing was the music.

I love non answer answers :) So what's he's saying that maybe it's dead, maybe it's not. I was disappointed in the DS3, not because it was changed, but because there was nothing in it that reminded me of DR 1 or 2. Characters were unlikable (Both Isaac and Ella were tools) bad guys were comical (Elly's new boyfriend

I'm getting excited for Pac Man 3

It's about time they started hyping the PS3 ;)

The guy stated an opinion. Why are you all jumping down his throat? He said he doesn't think he will like it and put it in decent manner. He has an opinion, you have yours. Don't get in a tiff. As for me? Looks boring.

I can't wait to play 8 bit era games on my overpriced next gen consoles.

This all seems... bizarre. Like after a coke filled night, someone passed out, then woke up in the middle of the night and shouted 'LET US REMAKE NIGHT TRAP!!" then passed out again. Also... were you talking to a machine? Those were some of the most mechanical, uncharismatic (and incorrect, producer's only job is to

Also... I'm having a really hard time not thinking "Tactical Espionage Horror" when i see that Fox logo at the end, lol.

Thank you. The "loudness" was almost enough to put me off the game, lol

do "youtube personalities" have to pretend to have personalities so hard that that they have to squeak and say "the phone is ringing" when we can both hear and see that the phone is ringing? But yeah, with Del Toro... I am excite.