This proves it was not built or assembled in China.

What the fuck did i just read. Gaddamit, Japan.

That looks terrible.

I think in the next 5 years, companies will stop making new games all together and keep going back of making HHHD versions of HHD versions of HD versions of their games. All games... EXCEPT FINAL FUCKING FANTASY 7


I think the 2 major things that make a good RTS is the AI and the setting. The setting here looks... boring (desert? current day gear? Yay .BRING ME NOD OBELISKS), and It's tough to show off AI in a trailer. I don't get cautiously optimistic for games or movies anymore. I forget about them till they are released, wait

My brain hurts from reading this.

I'm trying to figure out how on earth her question warranted such a wave of rage.

True to some extent, mate. But with just how buggy (or crappy) games are on release these days... i don't see the point of preorder, you know?

I don't think it is overboard at all. I think if enough people take the same path as this gent, then companies would not be so flippant about bullshitting about their products. They either will start becoming honest or find that they actually need to deliver a higher quality product. I usually am not the kind of guy

Still sounds like a terrible reason to preorder. Is one's life so empty that you have to set up your gaming time a whole day in advance?

I did not even know that this game was being developed until i saw this article.... that is how much i care regarding them and their retarded pre order incentives.

I... actually loved this, lol.

I haven't visited Cracked in about a year. This video did not encourage me to go back.

Super Mario Bros. It just drops you straight in ;)

I have the feeling that Square Enix has had a department for the last decade specializing in figuring out what games people don't want, and then greenlighting them.

Boxers or briefs during game testing?

She's so deep.

Though hilarious (when are dick pics not?), an "American Hero"? Really?

I tried to find the humor. But no dice.