i wish i never read this

I fully support Benzies in this... unless R* decides to release RDR for PC. If that happens, then I fully support R*.

I expect to see a stardew valley mod by morning.

Good thing we had detective Ovy on this case :P


Perfect. $1,300 to read comics. Sounds like a good investment.


Damn good job today Bertoli! very enjoyable articles and good writing.

Hope to have you back soon

Whoops! Fixed. Maybe let me know next time without such an attitude. Thanks!

One big element when it comes to piracy is the prospect of sales.

“IN ENGINE” is the biggest bullshit term used in videogame trailers. People who don’t know think it means “IN GAME”, but it doesn’t. There’s a big difference.

Please be a new game engine. please be a new game engine. please be a new game engine!

I escaped a town that grossly enables high school athletes before pipe-lining them to Brookdale when they're inevitably not college material, so I'm sadly not surprised here. (Note: I'm not knocking every BCC student. My mom and friends have gone there, but even they've confirmed it's a bully's last stop before

Must be the guy who designed the N64's controller.

Looks like he was playing the Browns this week, too.

Giffin: That kid was back here again...

God bless the modding community.

I think you mean. (>'-')>

Without the commentary, I probably wouldnt read Kotaku as much as I do.