How could you all just skip over the current Cherokee? Granted, it’s a bit dated and doesn’t get the best gas mileage, but at least it’s not a 4Runner that he already said he didn’t like (ahem, Lawrence), or a Nissan Pathfinder that’s actually a Frontier (Jose)...
These corporations aren’t going to just accept these losses
It’s just an underground Tesla dealership.
I agree on all points. Plus, Acura has a ace up its sleeve as it could match the CTR engine with SH-AWD, which would make for a nice difference between the two cars.
Jeep Wrangler: body on frame solid front axle actual manual shift transfer case manual fold down fabric top.
There are loads of good scholarly research articles on how and why outdoor activities are largely white: money, time, family traditions, access to outdoor spaces, public pools closing after desegregation, rural areas where climbing, hiking, camping etc not accessible or welcoming to people of color, joggers of color…
This kid needs a baseball bat to the knees.
“No.” - Wealthy people with connections
Running over bicyclists in trucks in Texas, even when the cyclist dies, isn’t really prosecuted all that much. There was a case a couple years back where someone in a work truck doing like 75 in a 50 was playing with his phone and literally steamrollered a cyclist on the shoulder. No murder charges, no manslaughter…
A 16 year old driving a modified 5 year old super duty. My guess is mommy and daddy will “take care” of it from the legal side with a few phone calls. Poor kid just sneezed with affluenza is all.
The answer is always Miata, but in this case a Miata with an LS3.
A32 Nissan Maxima in the first fast and the furious movie
It somehow belongs and doesn’t at the same time. To me, it’s a dad car. (my dad drove one most of my life) and I always saw it as such. Then I watched the original movie and thought, “someone put the time and effort and money to modify the ever loving shit out…
This is a tough one since I co-host a podcast on movie cars (shameless plug, check out Reels and Wheels!), but I keep coming back to Sorcerer. Friedkin was taken by South American truck culture where the trucks got names and adornments. The two trucks in the movie, Lazaro and Sorcerer (both GMC M211's), become more…
Two things...
Heads up displays. My parents had a 1998 Pontiac GTP with an orange overlay heads up display, and it was legitimately the handiest thing imaginable.