
“. . . the Emmy’s proved themselves nearly irrelevant by awarding easy-to-watch mediocrity instead of the tough stuff.”

The talking without a lawyer isn’t a bad sign. That’s smart.

Yes, it is terrible when people have the nerve to exercise their Constitutional rights and it clearly means they are guilty rather than following their attorney’s advice.

Why is it so hard to just let people enjoy the things they enjoy the way they want to enjoy them?

Much like many incidents between these two drivers, they both could’ve done more to avoid each other, and both ultimately are in the heat of the moment and know they are fighting each other for the “crown” so they dont want to give up.

I think Hamilton, as we’ve seen, heard, and been shown multiple videos, that he has


“ leaving F1 scrambling to find adequate young talent to fill its seats.”

You’re conflating these instances. In one its an internal discussion about events that may be modern politics, job dynamics, compensation, etc. — This is for management and the employees to discuss what’s going on and come to something that may benefit them and the company.

The last Ghostbusters failed because it wasn’t very good. It was uninspired and the jokes stunk. Not because there was anything especially wrong with the overall concept. The lesson is, make a good movie and people will like it.

Q. What did Bubba the Love Sponge say to his wife?

yes it is pricy. It is not ugly at all.

They also fought accepting credit cards.

On the one hand: I normally don’t enjoy action games, yet found Yakuza’s take on it incredibly accommodating, not to mention a gratifying guilty pleasure. I will miss it.

God, this looks exhausting.

>>>There’s also the whole ‘Valtteri Bottas might not be at Mercedes next year’ rumor, which doesn’t quite make sense given that there’s no one immediately ready to take his seat

I take it you weren’t in North America during the start of Britney Spears’ career.

You act as if Japan is the only country with a schoolgirl fetish.

Us was... pretty weak. Wanted to be a second Get Out with a Big, Important Message, but turned out to be mediocre home invasion/slasher/apocalypse movie.

That’s not how it works. Stick to talking about things you know anything about, like elevated pickup trucks and Merican handegg.