
I’m a longtime reader, infrequent poster.  Didn’t you move down to Central(?) America?  Did you move back?

I am fortunate that I’m in an area with a good vaccination rate and people who are generally good about wearing masks. I got vaccinated as soon as I was eligible.  But my 7 year old starts school tomorrow (masked, and our Principal requested we wear masks even outdoors while on campus), and winter is not soon enough

I’ve always heard it called the parkway (California).

It could be you got some from a different bakery.  There are 2 primary bakeries that make the GS cookies.  I’m on the Los Angeles/Orange County border, and they have different bakers.  A neighbor said she could taste the difference and preferred the LA County Thin Mints.  I never bothered purchasing the OC version to

Or maybe the obesity epidemic, which contributes to comorbidities for COVID, has influenced peoples’ food choices? Little Doo stopped participating in GS at the start of middle school (pre-pandemic), and we had so many people say they were diabetic and couldn’t buy cookies. My Dad, stepmom and stepdad are all

Yes, getting the shot didn’t hurt but my arm was sore for 3-4 days afterwards.  I think it was similar to what you said, the skill of the person giving the shot.  I got the fall flu shot at a Target pharmacy, and it seemed like she gave it to me very high up on my shoulder.

Same here, and I thought my arm hurt worse from the fall flu shot.

I got my second Moderna shot on 5/2, and no side effects. I made sure to drink plenty of water the day of the shot, and I put Tylenol on my nightstand but I never needed it. My 13 yo got her first shot today.  I wish you the same luck of no side effects that I had.

I’m so excited, I get my 2nd Moderna tomorrow!  Mama Doo has been vaxxed for a while since she and my stepdad both have heart issues.  I won’t be completely relieved until the little Doos get vaxxed, which might be a while ( 6 and 13).

My Chump-loving mother will not be voting for her either, given the amount of anti-trans stuff I see her posting on FB.  I think she’s seriously overestimating the R’s acceptance.

2 student cases reported this week at Little Doo’s middle school. Luckily she wasn’t a close contact, and even luckier, school is virtual all next week for parent teacher conferences.

Thanks for that. Both of my Boomer parents are voting for Twitler. It drives me crazy because he’s the exact opposite of everything my Mom valued in the past. She had an abortion in the late 70's (after my brother and I were born), and now she’s hassling me about teaching my kids religion. She used to bring her

I separated from my ex when my daughter was 2.75 yo, and I did most of the parenting before that, so I knew I could do it on my own. But I never thought about having them home with me all day. I’m an introvert, so I really miss my alone time. I thought they would be in school during the day.

Aww, thank you! I work with a lady who has 4 kids aged 6 and under. Another coworker told me that her (4 kids) mother is a retired schoolteacher, and I’m happy she has help.

I have a 13 yo with my ex, and then I bought sperm from a sperm bank and had a baby on my own. He is now 6. When I was going through the process, I honestly never once contemplated working full-time while home-schooling an obstinate 6 yo who can’t yet read or work the computer by himself.

Our PTA used to sponsor a trunk or treat on a Saturday or two before Halloween, never on Halloween night. Of course all events are canceled this year (I’m in Los Angeles county). I’ve also seen some churches sponsor them and ask for volunteers (you’d have to decorate your trunk). Maybe you could do that in the future

Yep. I left the bowl out last year with a cute sign saying take one please, while I took my son out, and my neighbor said she saw a group of teens empty the bowl.

Exactly.  We get babies in strollers, and I’m like yeah, that candy is not for you.  I didn’t take my daughter out when she was an infant, and I almost didn’t even take her the first year she could walk.  Her sitter had a 7 yo and brought her daughter over so they could both go together.

Truth.  My 5 yo got one stuck in the living room carpet, and it’s still there post 2 professional carpet cleanings.  Reason #86 why I’m not going to replace the carpet for at least another 5 years even though it’s 11 years old.