I wish!

I’m oily, so I don’t use moisturizer much, but I read some recommendations on here for DHC cleansing oil a few years ago, and I swear using it improved my skin. I recommended it just last night to my tween as she started her period this year and I’ve noticed she’s breaking out. I use different cleansers in the shower

If the Dems can get their sh!it together, they should put that in their campaign commercials, that Republicans want them to Die for the Dow.

I was just talking about this the other day with my boss. I know at least 4 Michelles, and I grew up with multiple Stephanies, Nicoles, and Cynthias in my classroom. There were multiple Sophias around the time Little Doo was born, so I’m glad I didn’t name her that (it was on the short list, but Sophie would have been

The backlash is coming.  Unfortunately Mama Doo was posting stuff on FB today about all the “illegals” collecting in unemployment in CA.  “The illegals” supposedly have jammed up the unemployment system so that the “real citizens” can’t file claims.

I can’t believe this isn’t getting more attention:

Yes, I was coming on here to ask how others with young kids work out. I am a single parent (by choice, bought sperm from a sperm bank) of a fantastic, stubborn, almost 6 yo. Over the last few months, I’ve seen two little kids nearby learn to ride bikes, including my son’s best buddy, who is a year younger. I actually

Warren/Harris 2020

I will probably watch this, but ugh, now every conservative out there is going to use this as proof that their property taxes are too high, all administrators are stealing, and our education system can be further decimated.

I am fortunate that I have been working from home for several years. However, I now have my 5 yo home with me until potentially September, when school may restart. So now I am faced with trying to work, and school a 5 yo boy who only likes recess and will throw a 20 minute tantrum over writing a single sentence.

I’m so sorry.  Hugs and support to you.  Maybe cut a finger off of dishwashing gloves, and secure it to that finger with painter’s or duct tape?

Little Dude had a stomach virus last week, and got diagnosed with strep throat and an ear infection today. COVID-19 or not, there’s always a reason to frequently and thoroughly wash your hands! And he even stole my Black Cherry Merlot foaming soap because he liked it so much (but still has gotten sick).

1. Used to be body butters from The Body Shop. Despite never having alone time to moisturize, I had like a 5 year supply. Lately I’ve been prefering Hempz moisturizer since it has a pump and is not as messy to apply. But I still don’t use it every day, or even every other day. Well, I do use it on my hands almost

The Little Dude (5) has been home with the stomach flu the last two days. So yeah, wash your hands, because the stomach flu and the regular flu are going around too. We are coming up on hour 18 puke-free, which means he will probably return to school tomorrow.

I found a large lump in my left breast when nursing Little Doo. I thought it was a clogged duct. It was biopsied and it is a fibroadenoma (non-cancerous). My body just grows them. I have 5-6 in the left breast only, 3 of which were biopsied.  Oh, and I was 35 too when she was born.

I am a Warren supporter, and I plan on voting for her in my state’s primary.  But my guess is that she’s seen as too nice to beat the asshole.  His supporters seem to take pride in being not PC, and they revel in his assholery.  Klobuchar falls a little farther to the right on that asshole scale, at least from the

Yes, I was looking at the map on the WaPo website, and today it’s updated that she won that one county.

Thank you for that. I’ll keep my teeny, tiny sliver of hope it’s not Biden or Sanders running against Chump.

I just looked at the results map online, and can I say, damn you Iowa.  Elizabeth Warren didn’t take a single county.  This country will never elect a woman, no matter how qualified.  I hope she doesn’t drop out before one of the larger state’s primaries, such as CA or NY.

Thank you for the chuckle.  I needed that.