There were so many moments in the final half hour in particular where I just kept saying to myself “I can’t believe I’m seeing this on a cinema screen”. Action, character combinations, plot elements... not only was I seeing them, but they’re in what will probably end up being the highest-grossing film ever.

Here’s an idea for Indiana Jones 5:

Yeah, I’d definitely rather focus on the fact that she shared, like, a thing implying that grieving parents’ pain was false then the fact that she’s not the best voice actor.

Oh, it’s not a defense but a flat out admission of it and full-on surrender.

The truth is you just can’t think about it. It does not stand up under scrutiny, but then again, so very few of them do. Yes, I get that by staying in the past, Steve has effectively created a new timeline but here are sooooo many problems.

Redford was the one that got me the most. He is literally the last person I expected to see with his retirement the other year. 

I liked all those little appearances. From Portman, to Rene Russo to the Ancient One. I would have liked to have seen Kraglin too, but given that some ressurrected heroes didn’t even have a single line and who knows where Kraglin was during the Snap, I’ll take what we got.

The beginning of that video is like...

As a serving member, whenever I hear “military grade” in an ad, my mind goes facepalm. In the military the lowest bidder wins the contract for providing us a or multiple equipment/accessories and you’ll get the crappiest quality.

If someone was going to ruin Endgame, I’d have guessed Andy Reid.

This is a great. Thanks for sharing. I know this sentiment has been said a million times, but I will make it 1,000,001. I read these comics as a kid as an escape. I knew very few other people who did. To see so many people get so much joy out this world makes me very happy. It also makes me feel a little more

Long time Giants fan. Is it just me, or do Gettleman’s (and the Giants generally) justifications for doing things recently (like trading OBJ, picking Jones over Haskins) come off as racially coded? “Negative culture.” “Mature.” “Fiber.” Hmmmmmmmmmm. Like they get rid of Beckham for complaining that they lose too much

Chris, that was awesome. Fuck.

Players who do this are robbing themselves of practice time that might make all the difference when they find themselves on the verge of losing against a future opponent. cheating not only the game but themselves. They don’t grow. They don’t improve. They take a shortcut and gain nothing. Nothing was risked and

If there’s one thing I’ve learned from the internet it’s that Ant-Man plays a very important role in this movie. Excited to see the big opening!

You say weird, I say dedicated and talented.

This is why there are these kinds of runs and No Glitch speedruns. The latter is your more typical playthrough where you obey the intended flow of the game and just try to complete it.

OG XBox didn’t redring—it just died, quietly, with dignity, as a console should.

What’s amazing to me is they aren’t hemming and hawwing around wanting to do other stuff or other projects or whatever, seems like they’re willing to just keep on keeping on.