The NFL? Disingenuous?! HOW DARE YOU!

This doesn’t sound like CTE symptoms. More like early adult onset schizophrenia.

Why put anyone in a position to answer a question like that.

Thank goodness he's ok - it would have been really ugly if he dyed.

No snark, Hannah Storm handles these unfortunate and unenviable reports with aplomb, striking just the right balance of professionalism and humanism.

I love these videos. Everything is better called by J.R. Ross.

Should we be surprised UNC did what it did? I mean, they have “heel” right in their nickname!

You’d think Green would wait to get to Rio to go viral.

What are the odds he takes a shortcut and becomes a policeman?

This is such a cop-out. He is clearly just doing this to avoid getting punched in the balls by Draymond in next year’s playoffs.

Welcome to the family, son. <barfs>

To be fair, when Curry is hot I lose my shit as well.

That‘d be quite the blow for the Dubs, but I think they have the testicular fortitude to survive it.

Accidentally clicked through your comment, but was able to retrieve it by swiping back, and to the left.

Muhammad Ali was the best athlete of the 20th (or any other) century.

The Ardrey Kell High School talent show: You pay for the whole seat, but you’ll only need the edge

I click on these articles for the sole purpose of reading the comments.