And we still don’t know if he’s any good.
And we still don’t know if he’s any good.
Did something happen to Fultz between college and the draft? Seriously, what is wrong with him shooting?
Because they are Arab, a different ethnicity all together. Arabs are on Northern Africa and the Middle East.
Poor guy can’t get his videogame underage images of sexualized little girls. I’m sure can find another way to get sexualized little girl through other ways than videogames.
He’s still playing? I thought he had to worry about his kids graduation, bar mitzvah, puberty maturation, periods, teaching them how to shave, walking down the aisle, changing diapers, college entrance exams, how to deal with failing college entrance exams, leaning into basketball, joining an AAU team, getting money…
The Yankees beat my Mariners in the 2001 ALCS, so they deserve all the hate.
*notices Boss follow Twitter account*
I hope at the end of week 17 we can get a final side by side shot of that screenshot above with the one from week 1.
Nice to see you back Mike. Hope you are doing well. I can't wait for the next Snacktaku.
Liberty was won by a knife in the neck.
Pyramid Head...the manifestation of James guilt and sexual frustration in Silent Hill 2.
Perfect, fanboys can go suck it.
Who’s Mike McCoy? I’m serious.
Love Colin and what he does but could you kindly go to hell?
True. At times it can give you pride but serving in the military is work. “Wake up and have that feeling of I don’t want to go to work” work.
As a veteran of 15 years, I could care less if people stand, kneel, sit or take a dump while the anthem plays. I served to give people the freedom to what they damn please in the greatest country. I feel no disrespect whatsoever.
The Infinite Forest is useful now. Bungie always late to these ideas.
The idea that you could plug an app that would (hope) to provide counseling or therapy for mental health conditions, and to get a small fee for every submission, just feels wrong to me.
See it theaters. Tom is great and once he gets Venom it’s even better. Funny too.
I hope Jason Fitz is on leave or fired from ESPN because his take on this will be terrible.