I will say this.. My card was compromised last week, so if CC info was taken...

To me, it appears to be similar to when you blow your self up in Fallout. Chances are you are dead, and it the giants hit you with such force it forces to skyward.

Uhm... have you ever played Every Scrolls that is the Sneak Icon. IT appears every time you are sneaking.

I take that back... if you can time it just right, it works.

That is what I came here to post... however, I think for it to fit the video needs to be sped up! Great Minds think a like!

Mike can you read me a bed time story!!! Your voice is so soothing!

Then what do you do about those who have the in canal headphones that also block external noise, but then have the music up so loud I can still hear it.

I am one of the 5.. Yeah...

TEhehehe.... Down to the letter! tehehehe!

Oh I know, but to me it just seems a little blah. Maybe i am at that part of the relationship with the walking dead, where the flaws were always there, I just ignored them because I was in love with the show, now... not so much!

After the first season I was hooked. I went out and picked up the comics and read all 90 issues so far. Knowing what should and what will happen has actually ruined this show for me. Plus I have a whole different image of Rick in my head from the comic. So far this season hasn't been that great. But I am looking

Certain characters should also be dead already based on the comic book. But yeah. I agree!

That is where I heard it.. Thanks, I am currently listening to Full Moon, and must of forgot that is where I heard it.

I can't remember what movie or show I was watching, but it talked about how Vampires could enter into a house uninvited, it just weakens them and they do not have full power.

Wait what... You are saying IJ4 is better than Temple of Doom?!?!?!?!?!? IJ4 sucked... ToD was one of the greatest movies, yes it had its flaws, but they were a lot better than ij4!

I will brink my own!

Nice, If I could promote again, I would!

Why all this hate on this mission. It seems like everybody is bashing this experiment. I think it is a very valid experiment and have been following it as best as I can.

So the store it self is under ground, this is just the entrance? I have never been to NYC so I have no idea how this apple store works. Can I chuck rocks at it?

Where the hell did you get all that??? Roughly Translated he said... Android sucks and people will come back to us. Not.. Oh The Android Fire is a decent competitor against our ipad, maybe we need to get to work on a tablet that can compete in the same market.