I do. And I do not mind doing it. I keep a record of all I purchase online so it typically comes out to less then what ever the "20%" that they make you fill in.

You do realize that most states require you to pay sales taxes on good purchased through the internet when you file your income tax, Right?

See the "Cult" that surrounds apple is what I do not like. The "It just works" mentality. I had an iphone, switched to an android. Do not get me wrong, even now, a few months after the switch there are things that my iphone did that i wish my android does. I still use my iphone, but as a glorified ipod touch now. My

Plus if you can buy the app for .99 cents then why get all the "fancy" pieces that you can loose.

I agree, but Apple has shown in the past if they feel threaten by a product they sue the crap out of the company and file injunctions etc... (look at samsung).

Exactly my point, and with more game developers looking toward MP, it saddens me. I just hope that Rockstar makes an awesome SP campaign.

No amount of awesomeness bundle will ever get me to go back to the Mojave... I loved all fallout games, and I just could not stand F:NV. Here hoping the "ultimate" edition is fixed of all bugs. Also does this include all the extra DLCs that they released with the forth DLC? Those preorder bundles you could have bought

I haven't played RDR so I can't vouch for that.

Bawh... Apple is shaking in their boots.... They are just trying to save face... but really they are scared crap-less of the Fire, and there is nothing their lawyers can do about it.

I read an article a while back about Multiplayer games and the death of Single Player. It sadden me. I see this, this sadden me. It is not because I have no friends to play with, it is more of the fact that I play at extremely odd times and never consistence. So I tend to stay away from games that have heavy

Awesome Website....

I find that every company that makes spices have a different taste/style. So i typically have one to two different bottles of the same spice mixe but from different companies.

That is how it is with our 9month old. We were using Walmarts Brand (People's Choice) for a long time, but we started to notice more and more "blow outs" with them. So we switched to Pampers and still have the occasional blow-out but not as much. But yeah, we tried a few other generics too.

San Andreas Here I come!!!!

1min YEAH!!!!

And Denver and Philly... However, neither of those locations are "iconic" locations in the GTA Franchise. However, they could do Philly and incorp DC like they do with San Fran/LA/Las Vagas in GTA:San Andras!

I think your source is correct as it fits my theory of the National Mint located in San Francisco.

We go back on this sunday.

They should have had the Ned-Devil instead of the other Devil. Tho Maud showing up was pretty good.

Well the fact he can dual wield a double light-saber does give him some cred.