
Does Kotaku have a flightcrew yet? I am currently tied to Jayisgame but I have no real loyalties! This game is addicting, I don't know if I will be able to stand not playing it for a week!

For some reason I feel this is linked more to "Pokémon + Nobunaga's Ambition" (Pokemon Conquest)

I don't look away... I welcome it...

Yet FOX will still cancel his shows after a few episodes.

Granted some of them were boring... Having not been able to finish the Voyager series, others have been alright, and then there are some that just couldn't put down. But he has some good ideas.

I think they need to talk to Ben Bova... he has some great ideas about how we should mine asteroids.

Yeah Fargo did in the other timeline (I think) which is why I brought it up.

Small triumphs? Try Awesome Victory... The Throne room was the song played at the end of my wedding... the majority of the of audience didn't know what it was until it lead into the Star Wars Main Theme.

So does anybody else wonder if the Consortium VR is powered by an artifact?

granted she was only ever a guest star and not a true "main cast"

NVM... redacted....

I have one of those, it is a good pen. The only problem is that it doesn't work well with some screen protectors and has the ability to scratch your screen.

How do you get some of this information... do you just go up to someone and say.. "Hey, lets have sex... for SCIENCE!" But yeah.. Some of this data also needs to be put into context. I mean, where did you start the measuring for going to the bathroom? Did you start from when you entered into the bathroom, or when you

Right, I understand this is how it works, but my understanding of water as a fluid is messing with the illusion. I am not saying this is fake, I know how to do this, I know how he did it. You can also see little splashes of water fly up as the water hits the bowl/cup below. I am just saying for the water seems off.

Something doesn't sit right with me on this video... Even if everything is timed just right, the fact that the water falls the same way every time just doesn't seem right. IDK, I may have to go try this myself. IDK, maybe my friend Ian Malcolm could shed some light on this.

I do enjoy my games... so ME3 failed to deliver... oh well I moved on...

Really?? Really?? Bioware makes game, promise game to be awesome, game fails to deliver... BBB gets involved... Uhm.. isn't that over kill? I mean every game that comes out promises to be awesome and "shape" your experience and then when the game flops, you do not see the BBB get involved. It sounds like someone at

You should also mention that on Enterprise they changed story format in the last season and had a series of mini-arcs instead of stand alone episodes or an over-all story plot like Season 3.

Like the Sound of Music?